The Stupid Age

Discussion in 'General' started by Randy Marsh, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. The world is thoroughly screwed up and I've decided I need to volunteer somewhere and help a cause. I want to volunteer somewhere and actually make a difference helping people and/or the environment. Out of all the problems in the world right now it's hard to decide who needs help the most. Sure climate change is possibly our biggest problem, but I don't see that changing anytime soon. Corporate farming is another big problem. The quality of our food is decreasing everyday because a few corporations have the market cornered. I thought about volunteering at an organic farm, but I feel like I could be making a bigger difference somewhere else. And please don't suggest the Peace Corps. Suggestions anyone?
  2. I'm sure your local V.A. hospital could use you help.

  3. I just took a class about all that, even down to the sustainability of alternate farming methods. My professor, who has been fighting for a greener world all of his part of the Peace Corps.

    Idk what else to tell you except you have a noble cause that will you will probably not receive closure for in your lifetime
  4. Be a vol. Firefighter
  5. instead of seeing who needs the most help, why not try looking for people who need help but never get it because they are never thought of

    just a suggestion
  6. volunteer your sperm to the sperm bank..
  7. Maybe your right, maybe there's no point trying to help society in general. I like the idea of helping a cause that doesn't get much attention but that's hard to think of considering there's so many different organizations out there.

  8. just go with what bothers you the most, doesn't matter if you think its not grand enough. your title is called the stupid age, why not become a teacher? help kids get out of this shitty education funk we've been in, help them become curious instead of satisfied with entertainment.

  9. I think that this is a great suggestion, but whatever your vision is or is shaping into, just keep your goals in mind to make the vision reality and most importantly have fun!
  10. I think that, though the world is pretty fucked up, we're also living in a time where we're more aware of the corruption than ever. I'm almost positive that we'll be seeing a revolution similar to what happened in the '60's sometime in the next 10-20 years.
  11. A revolution is going to happen but it's not going to take 10 years. I would guess more like 1-3. It's true that more and more are finally realizing the truth about our government. And a change will be made, with or without our government's consent. Read a history book to see what happens when people are oppressed for too long.
  12. in our state news, there was a bust on the biggest grow the police had seen for a while, and the owners of the house were a retired 60-something year old couple, they were growing for them selves, they smoked 50 cones/bowls a day... :) thats cool.
  13. social Darwinism
  14. On a real note, just go around your town.
    See that old lady sitting by herself? Ask how her days going, sit and talk if you can
    The homeless man begging, (regardless of if it is for food or alcohol) help him out

    I guarentee people see a millon things in the world that they wish were different. You don't have to make a huge change, or start a revolution. Just a simple gesture of kindness
  15. Look for a organic farm to intern at or even contact a local United Way in your area. United Way is a great place to start to volunteer your time.

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