Hey there all, i just ordered this book off of amazon for like one dollar has anyone else read it? it sounds interesting but Wikipedia's synopsis kind of sucks can someone give me a nice detailed description on it?
It's a highly philosophical book which provides some insight into the existential dilemma through the strange, erratic and random behavior of its protagonist. That's the best way I can describe it. Usually literature books aren't describable by a plot, and this one is even harder because its barely even a narrative. As I was reading it I was more occupied with the author's unspoken dialogue than the plot of the book. Nevertheless, it was a fascinating read. For any retarded academic nerds out there, I did write a nice paper on it too.
Yeah, that's about the best blurb you'll get about it. It's about meaning and what happens when you stop buying into the idea that anything is inherently important. Don't just gloss over the ending or you'll miss the point, as most people do. You should probably do that any time you read lol, but yeah, it's not like a dense philosophical text or anything. It's written very matter-of-factly. It's more the overall impression that it leaves you with that carries the bulk of the insight. If you want the dense philosophical version, where you can write an essay on the meaning of every paragraph and still be leaving some shit out, then go for The Myth of Sisyphus after you read The Stranger. Same argument, but he presents it as an actual argument rather than a seemingly random story. It also deals with meaning and why you've apparently decided not to kill yourself this morning.
nah im not trying to write an essay i was looking for a story actually that would make me think that would leave me with wonder. do you have any recommendations that are novel like with philosophical ideas behind them?
The Stranger is my favorite (obviously) but most definitely: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. Very easy read that turns the basics of historical Buddhism into a short novel. Candide by Voltaire. Short and often surprisingly funny, given how old it is. It's about growing up and the disillusionment that gradually comes with it. The Giver by Lois Lowry. Actually a children's book, so you can knock this out in an afternoon pretty easily. It's a great allegory for the social suppression of individuality, creativity and passion. The Molloy series by Samuel Beckett. Not at all an easy read, but just brimming with philosophical insight. It's such an ordeal I don't know if I would even actually recommend it. Try watching any recording of Waiting for Godot (Beckett's most famous play) to see if you're a Beckett kinda guy or not first. The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. Actually a play. Kinda dry, but I've always thought of it sort of as The Stranger for (relatively) modern America. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard. Also a play, but not dry at all. A tongue-in-cheek exploration of the absurdity of existence. It takes two very minor characters from Hamlet and examines their story, except they don't know what the fuck is going on or why they're there at all (just like all of us.) Any full novel by Phillip K. Dick will rock your socks off.
yeah i haven't read Siddhartha yet but a friend of mine has he told me all about it very interesting. i think ill take a look into that Voltaire book i know a little about him and i like this quote by him "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." can you tell me more about the book though? i like to get summary's from people who've read the books
I read it all in a couple of incredibly drunken hours at the beach a couple of years ago so I don't remember a lot of specifics, but basically it's about a guy forced on an adventure around the world who has the absolute worst luck ever and ends up just seeing and experiencing all the most terrible things lol.
A look into absurdity. Read The Myth of Sisyphus next, if you want to. The Brothers Karamazov is supposed to be great, I just ordered it. Moby Dick is ill, but really boring at parts. Thus Spoke Zarathustra is nice. Just try and get a list of 'classics' and you'll find stuff with good philosophical themes/ideas.
This is one of my all time favorite books. What did you think? Did you finish it? Camus always denied any link between his book and existentialism, but I wouldn't be surprised if some ways of thought in the existentialist movement weren't inspired by the story.
He didn't really "deny any link" though, did he? He denied being a proponent of existentialism, certainly....but The Stranger was definitely linked to the existentialist movement (if only in its negation.) Isn't that basically what he says in The Myth of Sisyphus?
The ending to The Stranger is really one of the more perfect endings ever written to a novel. Great book.
Favorite Camus quote 'You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.' \nAnother one I like just as much actually- \nA man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened. \n\nThe Giver is a great book btw. Great message.
Camus is awesome. I'll probably get his other 2 books some day and I need to get The Myth of Sisyphus. The Stranger 's the best of the three I think. View attachment 121104 nice quote too