sorry if this isnt clear or eliquently put but i am not even an armless chair philosopher.... So your laying outside in the grass and youve just finished tokin some nice stuff. Its a great clear sunny day and your staring up at the sky just relaxing and thinking by yourself notice somthing out of the corner of your eye. Its realize that your looking up at a giant metal bird blasting its way through the atmosphere... Is it just me or is there somthing about the stoned airplane that gives such great realisations every time. To me when i see this bird, this life form, this biological machine transporting itself across space... it puts into perspective... just what we might be.... I see up in the sky a life form created ande madeup by smaller, living organisms so shockingly similar to our own bodies. Our living cells and the bacteria/organisms that make us up are no different than what make up the airplane. What does this tell us about ourselves? Are we controlling our own machine (body) or is it being controlled by somthing we cannot detect for its own benefit? Are we being planned out, built, guided and driven....Just like the metal bird in the sky........
Lol dispite our differences in that other thread man, ive pondered this metal bird theory....but alas....trying to catch one makes you a fuckin terrorist
THats kool, i have to admit what your sneaking suspisions were probobly telling you and that, that thread was just a joke. INfact i completely aggree with you and that was the whole point of the thread. If were not having some fun here than really what is the point right? THere is also much to be learned about perception and physcology through acts of *****ing.....its all good well now that ive admitted i will probobly get banned oh well
To answer your question, you must first ask the question who is it that is I? Who is the self? Once you realize, you will know the self as not the body nor the mind, but the awareness of self. Our bodies are in union with our spirit which is in union with our mind. They all act upon each other and there is no one control center. I would like to think that we guide ourselves, but just as birds glide through the sky, the wind picks us up and puts us down whichever way it blows as well. As in, I do not believe in complete control and the greatest form of control is achieved through giving up control.