The spiders Are Our Friends Thread

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by smokehound, May 26, 2014.

  1. What do you guys think about spider webs?

    Spiders have vastly different types of webs, but across members of the same species, the webs always follow the same design

    I don't believe genetic knowledge is possible, but if not I don't know how to explain this

  2. Behavior is attributable to genetics in a huge way. Dogs are a great example of how breeding influenced behavior. Pointers point, trailers trail, herders herd and they take to these behaviors naturally.
  3. right but this isn't genetic knowledge.

    For starters, herding dogs don't herd naturally..if you took a pup away from its litter and didn't raise it to herd, it wouldn't know how. Animals learn from their kin.

    Huskies don't pull sleds naturally either. They are bred to be built for it, but must still learn

    Another example is baby turtles. How do they know to go to the ocean? The answer is they don't. They just know that the water smells good and the sand sucks. The figure out pretty quick what to do.

    A lot of animal behavior is based on stimulation from their senses such as positive correlations to smells. As well as the animal figuring out what its body is good at

    I do not believe spiders are born with the knowledge of how to build their webs. I believe there must be a reason they figure out how to build it the same way every time

    Perhaps a combination of environment and body shape of the spider. For example black widows always build their homes in corners and such low to the ground.

  4. A pointer does not need to be around other pointers to point. A chicken can be raised by ducks but will stay out of the water. A duck raised by chickens will go right into the pond despite the mommy hen going nuts on the bank.

    Squirrels don't have to be taught to bury nuts. Baltimore Orioles all build the same hanging nests just like the big yellow and black garden spiders all build the same giant web of a net.

    The amount of behavior that is genetically programmed into us is startling. In nature cd nurture debates, I used to lean heavily toward nurture but the more I have learned, the more credit I give to nature.
  5. none of this suggests genetic knowledge tho.

    Its possible they act on behavior driven by receptors but that isn't the same as knowledge

  6. What it suggests is that creatures are born with certain behaviors coded into them genetically. You can call it whatever you want.

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  7. perhaps

    I guess I should clarify my definition?

    Is it possible for "knowledge" to be genetic?

    Could you genetically modify a human to know calculus from birth?

    I highly doubt it. The best you could do is make them like.math and.make them able to be better at it

  8. I don't think web building in spiders equates to calculus in humans. Web building is a behavior. Spiders are born with spinarettes in their arse just for that job. People aren't born with a calculator in their arse, so I don't think learning calculus is a genetically programmed behavior like web building.

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  9. More interesting facts about spiders

    A jumping spider will miss its target every time if you shine a green light near is

    I was watching a documentary called hidden kingdoms that basically video taped lives of tiny creatures

    One part showed a jumping spider on a traffic light in Japan trying to catch a bug. it missed every single time. As soon as the traffic signal turned red, the spider nailed the target in one try

    It turns out lighting up the area with green light messes with the spiders depth perception.

  10. of coarse

    Im just curious why all spider webs across a species look the same

    Building shelters is natural for humans but our houses are all individualized

    Spiders homes are strangely uniform. As if they are born with the design blueprints.

    But that seems counter intuitive so I wonder if the web design is just obvious to them based on their body shape or soemthing

  11. Spiders webs, birds nests, bee hives, wasp nests, all the same in that the designs they build are inborn. Different species of birds, wasps and bees have unique nest styles.

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  12. let me try to say this a different way maybe

    Be hives have hexagonal grids inside.

    Are bees programmed to build it that way? Or is it simply obvious to them that its the best way to build it? In the same way its obvious to humans circle wheels roll best?

  13. #294 papabull, Jun 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2015

    Humans aren't born knowing anything about wheels and it took a long time to invent them. A human in isolation would likely never invent the wheel himself. A bee, however, knows how to construct a cell with instruction every time.

  14. Humans aren't born knowing anything about wheels and it took a long time to invent them. A human in isolation would likely never invent the wheel himself. A bee, however, knows how to construct a cell with instruction every time.
    </blockquote>prove it

    Have bee larvae ever been removed from the hive to see if they can build it?

  15. Yes. Their behavior is programmed into them by genetics. I raised bees for many years. There is a lot that can be learned from them.
  16. having never rraised bees I can't argue with that.

    Ill back out for now till I do some reason research on Tue subject

  17. i've gotten used to spiders what i really don't like are cockroaches and mosquitos
  18. i work in Pest Control

    always tell my customers spiders are good, along with any type of bee
  19. I had a tiny spider living in my shower for months and he was tucked in the corner so I let him chill but last night I found like 5 baby spiders and I realized I fucked up and had to end our arrangement.

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