The Soul

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by DJSarahPalin, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Ever since learning more about religions, ive become increasingly interested into what this concept of the "soul" is. As far as ive read, there is not a definite description of your soul. Could the idea of the soul possibly be misconstrued from realizations of your own consciousness or in even broader terms perspective? Is your soul something you can feel or explore? Or is it finite to the point that its your key to the afterlife? Nothing more?

    I just really feel like the soul is a different view on consciousness. Not our ability to think or perceive, but to feel and weigh decisions. Possibly the name of soul gave importance to each individual? Is it easier to respect something if its given a metaphysical title so you can not truly define it? I believe it is an aspect of human nature to humanize everything, and in doing so humanity often gets bored very quickly. Meaning to say that trying to teach someone to appreciate everyones "consciousness" is harder then to appreciate someones "link" to the afterlife?

    Any help would be appreciated, as philosophizations (I made it up :) can only be reached through conversation.
  2. There is only one soul for the entire universe. Everything born into this universe is given a piece of this soul. That is why all living beings have so many imperfections, because we are only a small piece of it all. When a beings body dies the soul piece leaves it and returns back to the Main soul.

    When a person dies they dont actually die. When your car motor dies that dosnt mean you die, it just means your car's not gonna work, so there's no point in driving it, so you get out. With living beings its the same thing.
    your soul just leaves your broken body.

    Before entering this perfect being(soul) you must go through a purification proccess. this could be hellish or not depending on the things you've done in your lifetime. while all this is happening you will humanize it all to be able to understand/accept it better. after you can accept it, you will see for what everything realy is, which cannot be described with words since there are no words to describe it.

    Since this being(soul) is everything, when you become apart of it all of the questions you once had will be automaticly answered. You will know everything because you are everything.

    Well I just made that up off the top of my head but who knows, it could be like that lol.
  3. i can't believe i am about to do this, but i am FINALLY going to say something that etc32? would say. :confused:

    Quote from Avatar.
    "It is only borrowed."

    I think the "soul" has three parts. Your ability to be forever, your true emotions, and your connection to everything. I do not look at it as a religious concept, but soul is just a word, man-made. I think its your ability to connect to this world (ex: Buddhist), your "gut feeling", and your ability to understand that you live on forever while "you" was just here to experience it.

    Your conscious is the product of the finest evolution. It is nothing more then experiences through time. Maybe its a way of remembering history? Imo, the soul is your "gut feeling." Idk about you, but whenever i think im making smart/dumb choices, i always have that gut feeling and i look at it as: If my soul were to carry on, it would be nothing more than my strongest feelings passing on.

    I remember when i had your same thoughts :smoking:

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