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The Sober Life

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BuddhistBrian, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Some people have had trouble with living life sober after all of their weed experiences.
    Right now, I'm taking a break from the weed. Even though i was only smoking a few times a week, I felt that I needed a break. I'm gonna be sober until 4/20 or until I get my mflb because I have sketchy living situations right now and I can't get caught before the 20th.
    Being sober isn't as bad as you guys may think, after a few days you start to forget the feeling of being stoned and it's not bad at all so quit bitching.
    How do you guys feel about the sober life? Do you hate life sober?
  2. Sober life is necessary for a happy life.
    Personally I wouldnt want to be high all the time

  3. Personally I need a balance. I feel that being stoned all the time, or everyday would prevent me from getting where I want in life. However, I need something to occasionally "escape" and allow me to relax. I find weed reduces my level of stress and anxiety greatly, and makes me a far happier person, even when I'm sober.
  4. i wouldnt say i hate it, but everything in the world there is to do is more enjoyable when done high.
  5. I don't know man, not all people are the same. So while for some it's easy, for others it's not so much.

    Personally, I mostly don't like the feeling that I don't have the option of smoking.
  6. I like sober life, and I like high life. I would never want to be high all the time. I don't understand why people think they have to choose one or the other. I guess it's just kids who have no self-control and just smoke marijuana all the time.

    I live a sober life in the day when I need to be sober and get my work done. Later on at night, I live the high life. :smoke:

  7. exactly. sometimes i would really want to smoke, but when i have bud I know that I can smoke whenever, but sometimes I dont even smoke just knowing I can makes things way easier.
  8. Life without weed only sucks if you don't have shit to do. If you stay busy depending on what you're doing; It really isn't too bad. On the other hand, when I can't smoke is when I have the desire to smoke the most -_-
  9. hell yeah. atm. I dont have weed, at least not til i pick up 3 grams of some dank on Friday. I have found that music and GC help pass the time til I get to smoke again. I used to fiend more, but idk what changed me but for some reason I actually dont fiend no more :D:D:D:smoke:
  10. this:)
  11. well me personally i like the high life alot , cuz you really dont absorb everything when your sober, when your sober everything seems so boring and non interesting, but its different for everybody.
  12. I'm on a break from weed at the moment and I'm finding it hard.
    They've upped my zoloft dosage so I'm trying not to smoke the herb.
    I'm not sure how I feel at all these days anymore. Hmm.
  13. I've been on a break for about 3 months now, due to several reasons. It hasn't been hard for me at all. Weed for me is a way to unwind and relax after work. I don't plan my life around it. I plan it into my life if that makes sense.
  14. I could survive without it.

    But that doesn't mean I want to.
  15. if you can't enjoy sober life, it's a definitely a problem. unless you use it medically, that's fine.
  16. This might be long and sound like vacuous hippie bullshit.

    I've been forced to be sober for a while but I manage fine. I can still enjoy myself a lot and achieve amazing states of relaxation through meditation and physical exercise, but it obviously isn't the same as what weed does.

    I agree that you need to spend time sober to maintain a balance. When I started smoking it made me appreciate being sober more because sobriety became a specific state of consciousness rather than just the way things are or "normal." The contrast makes each more enjoyable and allows you to have a fuller experience of each. Of course being forced into sobriety with no contrast available is not pleasant and it is back to the point now of just being the way things are for me at many times. It takes a good bit of work to break this mindset but I can do it.

    Sobriety and being high are equal states of consciousness to me. Neither is better or worse than the other, just different. It isn't just the feeling of being high that is good, the deeper pleasure in relation to my whole experience of reality is the contrast between what we normally experience and what we experience high. That freedom to alter experience is why I like to smoke mainly. Once you experience this freedom and an altered state of consciousness and realize the implications you then run the risk of negative experiences as a result of losing the freedom, and that is something we all have to prepare ourselves to deal with.

    I know that there are different ways I can experience reality and being blocked from these ways does suck sometimes, but it has really made me try harder to expand my sober consciousness to new realms, which I have somewhat succeeded at and I now experience all of life much more fully I feel. Weed has made sobriety into a place where I am stuck for the time being. Fortunately, this place possibly has more to explore than I ever will be able to, so the time I'm stuck here isn't too bad.

  17. I've never looked at smoking like this! Mind-FUCKED! this is awesome
  18. Sober life is definetly much better. I only like to smoke when I know I will not encounter people (besides friends and people im smoking with and maybe the cashier at McD's). I know it sounds weak but thats the way it will be until weed is legalized.
  19. Im a funny and happy kid to begin with, i surround myself with hilarious friends. I always told myself that i would never need any drugs or alcohol to have fun...ill tell u i still dont because i love my friends and my sober experiences...smoking pot is just a plus off of that. It opens up even more and its a thrill and its fun. Would i rather b high all the time? Fuck no. Im so happy with my sober/high balance right now
  20. It's all about a balance man. I used to get high all day all the time but now I've scaled back and pretty much only vape 1-2 times at night. I do enjoy my sobriety and will take breaks occassionally.

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