The Show Must Grow On

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Shrink_Freud, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. Hi there, My name is Shrink Freud and I'm an addict. I'm probably mentally ill, as well. Aren't we all.

    I'm addicted to growing things I love and being able to have plenty of variety on hand at all times.

    New to the forum. Let me introduce myself.

    I'd say I'm a hobby grower. I grow vegetables mainly greens and peppers, too. I had the grow tent and everything already and figured why not. I had some seeds from back in the day, contained in a 35mm film cannister, just biding it's time in my sock drawer. It's where my old man "hid" his weed, so sock drawer bag seed. I bought a dwc bucket system off Amazon and I was on my way.

    On my way to my first failure and the decision to go bigger was made and I've been upgrading since. I have a small space inside to work with, it is so... in tents.

    Because of limited vertical and let's face it, horizontal space, it's either short bushy gals in small pots or tall one with some straight up BDSM LST.

    I buy feminised photoperiod beans. I'm not too "with it" to be discerning of bank or breeder. I tend to see that as marketing hype, mostly. I mean, sure legendary strain hunter/breeders exist in the sliver of humanity that finds that important, but for the rest of us that just want some good medicine? Please, sway my opinion, but whatever I grow no matter what is going to hit better than "commercial" weed bought at a dispo. If you can't grow, there is nothing that will autocorrect your mess, no matter the breeder or legitimacy/accuracy of strain. That's some niche nerdy drama shit I just don't get. Please enlighten me if you feel strongly about it.

    I do understand preserving quality genetics. I also understand breeding and stable crosses and whatnot. In the past I've tested seeds from members breeding on a different forum a score of years ago, I've attempted to house a treasured cutting only to fail due to spider mites. I get it. (I was a mod back then, not here, I'm a noob here, but I'm no stranger to forums.)

    Sorry, I'm rambling. It's what I do!

    I have a few different strains, in seeds, right now. Problem is, wtf do I do with it all after harvest. I'm still dialing in the system, I might be able to squeeze one run in before the summer heat skews my guages.

    I have other interests. Biking, cooking, foraging, mycology, metaphysics, music (listening), and cats. I love to chat about things, I'm pretty snarky. More compassionate than empathetic, but I'll cry with you buddy. Bring it in.

    I'm also a veteran, which is a tiny portion of my identity, never having experienced direct combat. I'd like be more involved in activism surrounding cannabis and psychedelics in the VA healthcare system. Point me in that direction. I think psychedelic therapy is the way to go in terms of accessing buried ... emotions, so that you can sort them. For sanity!

    I'll be seeking advice, asking questions, and keeping giving advice to a minimum, unless to warn others of bad advice.
  2. Welcome to the city!

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