the shake thread !

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by TheVaporDaddy, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. :bongin:wanna get high but your sac is empty , all you got around is some leaf but that will taste like crap to smoke , well there are a few simple solutions to your troubles , ill share some of my knowledge and i hope all you other more experienced people will add on to what i have put , thanks all and i would like it if everybody participated with there ideas , . im not gonna get into oil or anything like that because there are seperate threads for that , this is just solutions for when your hard up for buds and need smoke !
    if you own bubble bags you can take the pyramid bag , throw some leaf in there zip it up put it a plastic tote with high sides , and beat the crap out of it with a wooden spoon or something like that , and scrape the powder with a credit card . i would reccomend re sifting this through the 180-220 micron bag before smoking .

    you can take a tupperware container fill it about a third full with leaf and stick it in your freezer ( or outside if its colder than your freezer ) till its as cold as it can get . shake the living heck out of it , when your done carefully take the lid off and carefully dump the shake into another container making sure not to dump the resin out stuck to the sides ( it should be stuck there good so be gentle it wont fall out ) once all the leaf is out of the container scrape your crystal up and repeat untill there is no more crystal sticking to the sides of the container

    take an empty jar , fill it about half full with water put the lid on and stick that in the freezer once you see a tiny bit of ice forming on the water shake it up and put it back in , keep doing this till the water is as cold as it can get without being slushy . once the water is cold put some crushed ice in there and a couple big hunks also along with your leaf . shake the crap out of it untill your arm gets too tired then put it back in the freezer , to get all the resin out of it you might have to shake it for like a half hour in total . once you have shaken it so much that you can not shake it any more let it settle and let the ice melt and the stuff settle , a couple hours later take a spoon and scoop the leaf off the top ( very gently so you dont disturb the sediment of resin on the bottom ) once you have all the leaf and stem scooped off run that water through a coffee filter ( be patient this will take some time ) and you will be collecting yourself some decent hash ( sometimes it even comes out melty ) if you are storing the final product make sure it is dry , if you put something wet in a sealed container it is likely to grow mold .

    thanks to grass city for being such an awesome website , i noticed some of you didnt have the holiday cheer , but i hope you will have a better new year :D peace .

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