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The sex talk.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ItsReneeYo_, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Did you blades have the talk with your parents at a younger age? Like the bird and the bees and shit? Because I sure didn't, and I feel weird about it. My sisters haven't had the talk yet either.
    I basically learned about sex through school, peers, and my boyfriend.

    And pornz. Lol
    Weird question, but I'm curious. Maybe it's a norm.
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  2. #2 Nerd139, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2014
    99% of what I know comes from other people, porn, abd experience.

    My sex talk was this(took place over three years)

    Sex feels good
    You should have sex because it feeks good
    Cmon son lets go have sex
    Wear a condom
    When you lose your virginity it hurts

    Edit:To clarify my dad said the third one and he meant with prostitutes
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  3. My mom hasn't even talked to me about birth control, though I feel when I'm ready she would be open to it. It's just so weird how quiet my family is about the subject.
  4. Yeah I used to ask my parents a lot of things and they always answered. There were a lot of kids much older than me in my neighborhood growing up who didn't mind filling me in either. Then the internet came along...
    I clearly remember asking my mom what "giving head" meant before reaching first grade. Some older kid asked me if I knew what it meant, I was like , "pshh of course, it's when a pirate chops off someone's head and gives it to the captain"
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  5. Learned about it the good, old fashioned American way: In the gutter.  
  6. Lmao I'm embarrassed for little kid you. That's cute.
    I was so innocent. Late bloomer, didn't even know where my vagina was til I started my cycle. Which is embarrassing to admit. Lol
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  7. Oh shit dude this reminds me of fifth grade. There was this Asian kid I was friends with who stayed up late at night to watch pirn and call those sex hotlines. He used to say whenever you call you let them do the talking lol. One day he told me about this porno he watched he says, "Girls like getting peed on. The guy stands over her and pees on her face" im just like "Girls like that! How come they dont like frogs?"
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  8. Never had the talk, dad just said use a condom.

    That didn't happen.
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  9. I had the talk when I was like 13 or so and my dad gave it to me and I learned a lot. Now my wife and I talked to our kids about it I told my son almost everything he needed to know and my wife had the talk with our daughter. Remember if you guys want to know more from your parents just ask them.
    lmao! I remember those set hotlines.... I called one and stayed on for probably an hour just listening, and a month later my dad comes barging into my room WTF IS THIS PHONE BILL. It was like 8 bucks a minute or something outrageous.
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  11. #11 Headphones, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2014
    I learned about sex from Hentai.

    No means yes.
    Squids are attractive.
    Most men can cum up to 5 gallons in a single load.
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  12. Dont forget when youre horny you lose control of your hips and the cutest girl is a trap
  13. Oooh!..,and you can have sex in very public places like subways and restaurants and make as much noise as you want and NO ONE will notice.
  14. No matter how much you creampie a girl wont get pregnant unless you want her to
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  15. Woaw this should be the sex info thread. I'm learning so much.
  16. I asked this in my status but ill ask again here, can a girl feel it when you cum inside her?

    My cousin asked me this during his sex talk and I have no idea.
  17. Ahahaha. We could probably do a couple pages of this lol, im rolling.
  18. Maybe if your cum was like, super warm. Dunno
  19. Renee take a pill and have tetoleetd creampie and get back to me.
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  20. Me and a friend would think of 7 letter combinations for 1800 numbers that we thought sounded funny and would dial them to see if they had anything ti do with those 7 letters. We were like.. 12-13

    So one time we tried 1-800 PEE ON ME

    Holy fuckkk lol. If it still exists it is fucking hilarious. It starts off with like the sound of someone peeing its absolutely ridiculous.
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