The GOTOO vid on drying and curing...almost famous now it will be ...its on GC Jun 16, 2022 (47.5m): drying, curing, water activity, humidity, terpenes, cultivation, cannabis Allison Justice, PhD presents "The Science of Drying and Curing" at CannMed 2022. Drying and curing is an extremely important step to smokable flower production. In this session, the science of drying and curing will be discussed. Traditional methods and current research covering everything from gas exchange to water activity will be discussed.
I suppose those without the desire to learn something new and improve their own grows wouldn't have any interest in the science, as evidenced by the above referenced quote.
What moisture content should the plant material be at when going into the jars at the beginning of cure? What temperature is needed for the best cure? What chemical processes are occurring during the entire cure process?
is boring as hell, so rollup a xames doobie, and take notes I'm happy as she's recommending my 6-6-6, for years I thought I was under performing, just found mold in 3 plants colas snipped them off and drying them out, not before I dip in warm water and bleach..yuk!
The next movie up is The art of watching paint dry. All the curing stage takes is patience, it's the easiest part of the process IMO.
I've used wide mouth quart mason jars to store and cure weed a long time and they work great. I've found they cure better tightly packed. I go for 3 ounces per jar and will settle for 2 if need be. There's a lot of range on moisture content. They won't get moldy in a airtight container. You don't put up damp bud but a lot of reactions are still going on that produce moisture for months after buds get picked. Anyhow that's what I do and it works. Happy Harvest!
I use half gallon jars. They most certainly do NOT cure better tightly packed. Though I am curious as to how you would justify that claim. Bud can most certainly get moldy in an airtight container. Proper drying is critical to getting a proper cure in the jars.
it depends on the size of the crop, I use 50 gallon drums in my dreams. A sealed jar is a sealed jar to me & I use 1 gallon jars for 4-6 plants app 4 of them. after they cure they will fit into 2-3 1 gallon jars. After grinding, a baby food jar holds a handy amount for daily use. I have a whole collection of various size painted jars & they all are used. TEHO
i have everything from gallon to half pint jars i use the gallon for my top colas and never pack too tight but not to loose either curing is just something that must be learned through trial and error like everything else but just as long as the buds are airtight and already dry mold should never be an issue
I have stopped using jars. Grove bags are my go to. Love the one pound childproof bags. Keeps nugs fresh for a year. Maybe longer but I use my stash up all the time.