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the saliva on joints/blunts

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by mrpanda69, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Does anyone else ever wonder if you are smoking a little bit of the saliva of the person who rolled? i wondered this after i was watching Weeds when they had a rat problem, they were smoking a joint and were wondering if they were also smoking "rat plague" lol
  2. i call the troll card. he created the account today and this happens to be his first post ? -_- in plus this is a really stupid question
  3. and he posted this thread and didnt even reply back to the posts lmao trolls man they do the darnest things
  4. why would he be trolling? people do put salvia in joints. i know people who do to prank someone, although it doesnt burn in a joint very well.
  5. [quote name='"Jamesy C"']why would he be trolling? people do put salvia in joints. i know people who do to prank someone, although it doesnt burn in a joint very well.[/quote]

    SALIVA not salvia lol
  6. I roll almost every blunt that my friends and I smoke and try to limit the saliva but I don't see any other way in getting the leaf to stick so its whatever
  7. personally i dont mind if a hot bitch rolled my blunt ;)
  8. I advise you roll the joint and put a lob on saliva on your toungue and lick the gum. Then when you got it rolled over, put the entire thing in your mouth and gag it a little bit, make sure both sides are fully lubed. Then get a hair drier to perfectly crisp'n up the joint.. just my two cents :wink:
  9. i deep throat a blunt down my mouth to seal it so everyone can enjoy the saliva.
  10. Lolol i swear i read it as salvia not saliva..
  11. why does everyone think a new user is a troll? this is a forum for pot heads, i was really stoned when i posted that. it was genuine curiosity and i thought it would be safe to ask a forum full of fellow tokers. haha

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