The Ron Paul Dilemma

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PotSmoker234, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. He is simply too right economically for the Democrats and too libertarian for the Republicans. I see two possibilities here. The first is Paul gets elected in the primaries but loses the general election because he couldn't get enough vote from the lefties due to his constant attacks(and rightfully so I might add) on the social safety net, he loses and Obama gets reelected for what's sure to be the last 4 years of America as we know it.

    The second possibility is he gets smart during the campaign and moves to the center trying to please everyone and he gets elected president. But he won't be able to actually do the required work to get us on the right track because he will have to promise not to touch social security, among other programs, in order for him to actually get elected and not be annihilated by the media.

    tl;dr - this country sucks, we're too divided to get anything done, the only man who can/is willing to fix things is too polarizing for our country to the point where he either won't get elected or if he does he won't be able to get anything done.
  2. Really? At the same time? I hope there's some sarcasm there somewhere.

  3. Oh you know;)
  4. The problem is not that Ron Paul isn't conforming to voters, it's that voters aren't conforming to Ron Paul. Voters are irrational, they demand unrealistic goals in one breath, and then in the next, they happily vote for someone who is slimey (only because he can talk a big game), and will not do what he says he will, because he can't. Ron Paul has a track record of sticking to his guns, and doing exactly what he says.

    During every election cycle, this is the very quality that all voters claim they want to see in their politicians, but time and time again, they prove they are not capable of acting out that desire.

    To be honest, if Americans are not willing to get over their irrationality, and see Ron Paul for what he is, then they don't deserve him. I'm not particularly fond of Democracy, but I do like that idiom about Democracy, outlining that you get the Government you chose. I do believe that idiom is quite right. If you continually sell yourself to the devil because of a politicians RHETORIC and not their action, and then complain about the outcome, while overlooking the honest guy in the corner who promises realistic politics with a hardline of honesty, well, I guess you can't really cry when your country implodes.

    It comes down to, is American ready for Ron Paul? Ron Paul isn't going to change, and it's unrealistic to expect him to change. Ron Paul will only become President if Americans are mature enough to elect him. Simple as that.
  5. If RP did get elected I give it a month before the powers that be assassinate him:mad:. Unfortunately in our dumbed down society the politician that the TV likes the most is usually the one to win.

    With the way our system is set up Ron Paul will never win. He could win the popular vote by a landslide and the electoral would still vote him down.

  6. I have to agree. Personally i am a Ron Paul supporter but I have a hard time imagining him winning. I also think he would be assassinated if he did win, the powers that be just wouldn't let it happen
  7. I just hate that no one will give him a chance. Dennis Miller yesterday said that some of Paul's "Acolytes" are kinda out there and that's why he has Romney as more likely....WTF is that supposed to mean? It makes no sense, whom are these acolytes? Us? WTF?

    Media just likes to make shit up about him and say he has zero chance. Charles Krauthammer a couple days ago said that CPAC is pointless. Its just a bunch of college kids who haven't grown up to become conservative yet....DERP.
  8. I've heard Miller say Paul is a legitimate threat to the GOP establishment this time, since he has gained a good amount of credibility since the 2008 election.

    I agree with him that Paul's followers are unconventional, and that's what the media will focus on. Guilt by assocation.

    For example, at Ron Paul's first hearing on monetary policy all the media spoke about was DiLorenzo's associations with secessionist groups, and then tying that to being racist. That, and a lot of his supporters are "truthers"/paranoid conspiracy theorists.
  9. #9 KingTut, Feb 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2011
    Well I was going by what Miller said yesterday on Bill O's show, and he had like 3 other people ahead of him. But he did say he is a legitimate contender.

    And so what if Paul has some crazy people supporting him, every candidate does.
  10. Exactly, I was just as crazy, if not more so, back when I was an Obama supporter :D
  11. So within the past 2 years you fundamentally transformed your economic ideology?
  12. It only took me one day... :confused_2:
  13. Are you telling me you voted for Obama and then it only took you one day of him being president for you to decide that it was a mistake?

    Damn this internet communication is like trying to communicate with only like 20% of the information(nonverbal communication, facial expressions, etc)

  14. No, I'm just saying my ideology transformed pretty quickly. That's why everybody calls it "waking up" when you turn from libtard to libertarian. ;)

    I was cured by the time Obama was elected.
  15. In the extremely unlikely chance that he wins the Republican nomination you have to figure he will get at least 80% of the Republican vote in the general election because they will vote republican either way. The independents are always the group you have to win over for the general election. The biggest knock against the good Dr. is that he is too old. Don't get me wrong i would LOVE to see him as pres, hell i still rock my Ron Paul bumper sticker.

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