The right/wrong way to seek God?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by YelloMnMs, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Is there a right or wrong way to seek God in your opinion?

    My mom has been going to the same church for 22 years now. Christian non denominational. I'm almost 25

    I decided that I wanted to study the Bible and get baptised in her church next month.
    I have several reasons for wanting to do so

    1. if this was truly our last year on earth and the Rapture should come I want to be on the side of the "good guys"

    2. I've been living my life the way I wanted to. it's definitely not a horrible life but I'd like to be happier and in a better place.

    3. growing up I was taught that there is a right and wrong way to live. I finally decided that I want to live "right"

    so I start studying and basically the people im studying with feel like my reasons are not good enough.

    they feel like I should be seeking God because I have a deep longing for him and can't go on without him.they I think my view is too academic.

    I'm deeply offended at this notion and have since been turned off of the process...

    What do y'all think about that?
  2. no, just go looking, he is around
  3. god takes the path of least resistance toward compatible tools for expression....
  4. so if you experience euphoric freedom of mind you will experience god
  5. I was raised in a strict Christian home and rebelled like crazy (this was during the '60s too, which made it worse).

    When I turned 30 I bought a bible and started reading it. As time went on I kinda bought into the whole god thing, but never completely. You have to ignore a lot of reality to do so, and my mind just doesn't work like that.

    By the time I was in my 40s I got away from it all, and now I don't believe any of the "Big invisible man that lives in the sky and runs everything" concept. (-- George Carlin quote.) The older I get the less I believe it.

    HOWEVER --

    Don't let any other people tell you how to believe or what to believe. Do what feels right. Unfortunately, the bible was written by humans so you have to take it all with the proverbial grain of salt.

    IMO, it's all about having a personal relationship with god. All the man-made legalisms* on how you should do this, how to live, or what you should believe should be ignored.

    * Legalism (theology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. As my family always told me, "you have to believe in something, or you'll fall for anything". I come from a catholic/santero family. I choose to believe in God, even if science tells me different.
  7. The wrong way to seek God: through fear of eternal damnation
  8. No right or wrong way. You already are.
  9. #9 iAmBetty, Nov 29, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2012
    This this this
    Edit: ^^^ or because your family told you to.
  10. Don't worry about what they say, it's between you and God. Seek a true and honest relationship with Jesus Christ. Open your heart to Him and He will enter your life. Continue reading your Bible, turn away from sin, and do God's will. It's not about why you sought God, it's about finding Him. Once you find Him and the holy spirit dwells in you, you'll know.
  11. Does this not tell you everything you need to know? You are thinking too much. Let go of the fact that there is no reason to believe in a god and no evidence for one. Only then will you be able to truly believe.

    You needn't a church to tell you to give money.
    You needn't a pastor to know what is right and wrong.
    You needn't a promise of paradise to not fear death.
    You needn't a fear of eternal damnation to fear truth.

    Religion is merely a tool to not fear death which you express in your post but it is not the only method of achieving this.
  12. This is why I no longer believe, not that I ever really did (see my previous post).

    I tried that 20-some years ago and nothing happened. In my opinion, this only "works" if someone is first receptive to the idea of "A big invisible man that lives in the sky," and needs a crutch to get through life.

    However, I would never criticize anyone for this; if it works for you, great. But one's mind has to be open to the idea before it will work.

    And even if it does "work," I still think "God" is just something in people's mind. There is zero evidence for the existence of a supreme invisible being.
  13. Lol what about Allah?? No ones going to mention him?? Buddha?? There's so many religions... Don't forget these are all a single man who is support to be chosen by God, who are support to change the world. I guess you can they succeeded. Religion is just mans sense of hope... I mean to offend no one btw. I happen to believe in god.
  14. The wrong way is to seek and depend on other peoples validation to confirm your beliefs. It should be personal, whatever feels right to YOU, based on your experiences, perception, reasoning, etc.
  15. To be honest, I do not seek God to be 'saved' or for comfort when death comes around. I don't seek God because I've been brainwashed into believing God is up in the sky looking down at me judging me. For me, I seek God because I believe I can feel / know His presence, I can see the miracles in life, and I feel his love.

    Is Christianity the only way to find God? Are you damned without Christianity? No. I believe God has used many messengers to lead people to Him, and to communicate to people. I think to commit to any religion you should look at every option and think what fits you.

  16. Can you honestly say that you did this?
  17. I feel the same wAy

  18. I read the link. Thanks so much! Yes!!! Its the legalisms... I dunno if I am just a renegade but the only rule I want to abide by is the law... but even then:smoke:

    LMBO I had to read this several times b4 I got it. I totally agree at the absurdity of it all. I feel like you either believe or you dont. Since I am choosing to believe, let me take the journey to confirm said belief... yet I am being told Im going about it the wrong way. merp

  19. This is how I generally think about things. My perception is my reality and your is yours. Save for psychosis, how can anyone come in and tell us different with something that is so personal?

    I believe in God. I believe in a creator and I identify with the partial quote above 100% Logically speaking I should take a look at the various religions, if I wann go the religious route, and find one that suits me. I have to admit that I havent done my research as I should. I just turned to my moms church because it was the easiest to access and what I am familiar with.

    Familiarity in this case however, is breeding contempt
  20. There is no right or wrong.

    Let alone a right or wrong when it comes to separating yourself with your higher self and callin it "God"

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