The reason why i decided to quit smoking weed

Discussion in 'General' started by carlospiceyweiner420, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. I used to enjoy smoking weed but at the end i started to react badly. Lots of people said that there is no harm in a bit of weed and i used to agree. My first pannic attack was an out of world experience that scares me when i think about it. The second last time i ever smoked weed i was fine untill 2 days after i smoked. I had a random pannic attack for no reason. I felt better the next day just a bit cloudy but i should of stopped smoking then. The last time i smoked ( 2 months ago) i reacted very badly. The worst pannic attack from the tinniest bit of weed. The pannic attack lasted a whole week. I was too scared to leave my room, it felt like i am dead and everyone and everything is fake (depersonalization). I had to talk to a doctor about it and she labelled it as a drug induced physcosis. Still to this day i feel really strange. I cant even drink alcohol anymore with out getting a pannic attack. 
    Im sure there are people out there with similar problems i really do want to smoke again but i know if i do smoke again i will never get out of the pannic attack as last time i was so scared i couldnt move for a whole week i was deciding wether or not to kill my self. When i was younger i had really bad OCD and i suffer from PTSD (post tramatic stress disorder) from an accident i had a couple years back. All of these anxiety problems along side the fact that my dads cousins suffers from schizophrenia made me decide to quit weed for good.
    Unfortunently i doubt i will ever be able to smoke weed again it was fun while it lasted.  

  2. Cool blog but smoking threads don't belong in General.
  3. That is definitely a good choice. Get into some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
  4. The more you think about it, the more your gonna get panicky. Its called the flight or flight response. Do something to occupy your time and stay away from the bud if u think its causing this
  5. the other half of threads on Grasscity:
    omg pot causes me so many problems I am quitting look at me
  6. I've had a few panic attacks, I just kinda learned to make them go away when I can feel it coming on. Got really high by myself two days ago and I felt one coming on, I closed my eyes, took deep breaths and told myself it's just weed, I'm just high. No need to freak. And then I started eating pretzels and it went away lol.

    My uncle has schizophrenia, which has made me think about quitting too but whenever I say I'm going to quit it lasts for like a day and then my friends will be offering to smoke me up and I just can't say no

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    Fight or flight? Yeah - I can see the sympathetic nervous system taking the reigns over the parasympathetic in a panic attack. It's like a neurological (i.e. electrochemical) runaway amplification feedback loop in which the act of thinking about fear, or worse, actually experiencing fear, can each work to amplify the mental sensation of fear. This provides that fear with a more central and potent role to play in our mental experience and feeds into a rather unpleasant vicious thought/feel circle. The mental tricks we play help to break the loop and thus dampen the intensity of excitatory feedback - and re-establish the balance in homeostasis between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity.
  8. best to stay away from it man no point messing with your mind,- good luck brother
  9. #9 homestarstoner, Feb 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2014
    fuck it man its just weed. people on this forum get defensive over it because hey its a weed forum right?

    truth is its not for everyone. i have the balls to be real and can admit that marijuana fogs up my head. not so much when i use in moderation, but the more frequently i smoke, the more dull and clouded my sober life becomes.

    lots of kids on here with shit for brains saying "i smoke all day everyday man im way happier when i smoke" yeah right. your canninanoid receptors are down regulated so cut the bullshit. stop smoking weed and i bet youll have a hard time feeling your true self until your body produces its own cannibanoid again- anandamide.

    Sent from my iPhone.

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