The reason Marijuana is illegal

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by tooRipt, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. "I am very glad to hear that the Gardener has saved so much of the St. foin seed, and that of India Hemp. Make the most you can of both, by sowing them again in drills…I am very desirous of getting into a full stock of seed as soon as possible…
    The hemp may be sown anywhere."

    --George Washington, 1794

    The reason marijuana is illegal in the United States today is simple. There are two factors at work: a mistake, and ignorance.

    Make no mistake about it, marijuana is a drug. It changes your consciousness, as does alcohol, nicotine, caffiene, over the counter medicines (all legal drugs, some with horrible side effects), etc etc. Humans have been changing their consciousness ever since the begining of hunter/gatherer man, before civilization.

    The thing about marijuana is that what you are smoking is basically a flower, or "bud" that has been cut off of a natural plant. It has not been processed at all like coffee or the tobacco thats in cigarettes these days, its not artificially made like alcohol, cocaine, herione, ecstacy, LSD, etc etc etc.

    My point is that marijuana does not belong in the same legal category as harder drugs, because it is not a hard drug. Alcohol does belong in the hard drug category because it has many of the same characteristics as heroine for example. It is physically addicting, you can overdose and die by ingesting too much, it totally impairs your ability to do anything, it is unsafe to drive on, and people suffer withdrawal syptoms when they try to stop using. Marijuana on the other hand, shares none of these characteristics with alcohol and herione. Also the "myth" that marijuana is a so called "gateway drug" has been created by people who accept and love stereotypes, because this cannot be proven scientifically. The anti-drug people know this, and to them it is another baseless argument they try to create to scare people.

    Whatever the case, the BS needs to stop. People in Washington should wake up and review the facts of the matter and not get caught up in their ignorant pride. They should spend their limited resources on putting away herione and crack dealers, cleaning up this country, worrying about terrorism, rapists, murderers, armed villians, thieves, violent criminals, etc etc etc. Nobody deserves to go to jail because they smoke marijuana!

    In fact George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp, and personal journal entries reveal Washington seperated the male plants from the female plants which of course does not allow them to pollinate which results in smoking material. (Bud, sensimillia) This has been proven by a number of sources:

    In fact to deny marijuana is to deny your ancestors, and founding fathers of the United States, because hemp was used as the sails for the Mayflower ship, and it was used by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson surely did not outlaw hemp when he wrote the United States Constitution!!! Marijuana was the second biggest cash crop in colonies behind tobacco. Only recently in the 20th century has marijuana been made illegal, in a time where alcohol, cocaine, heroine, and other similar drugs were also made illegal. It was a mistake that should be made right, except the ignorance on the entire issue has clouded more minds than marijuana ever has and ever will.
  2. marijuana is still one of the biggest cash crops is the us and was also made illegal becasue mexicans and blacks were smoking it which the government could not tolerate.
  3. C.R.E.A.M. cash rules everything around me

    its about the money man..

    look at it like this

    As long as marijuana is illeagle....

    1.The prison system = campaign money
    2.The pharmasutical(sp) insusrty would collapse if marijuana was lagalized
    3.Tobacco and alchol companys would go under
    4. Drug counselers tand anyone of this genre would look real dumb..
    5. Hemp is a BILLION $$$$$$ industry think of all the paper and textile companies that would go under or have to make a drastic change.

    Not to mention about 50% of this country is completley oblivious to anything and everything..

    All theses things give money to presidental canidates to campaign so why would the president make a plant leagal when its the illegality that keeps him in power?

    50 stars to blind yer eyes
    13 stripes to hypnotize
    free thought is gone
    you'll never see yer just a pawn

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