The Real Reason why Communism is Evil

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jane_Bellamont, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Basically, it's the same as with big corporations.

    You have a select group of wealthy men in suits and ties, to whom the working peasants sell their souls.

    They make suckers out of the people, too.

    So the problem isn't the 'free money' or 'equality'. There simply is none, it's a lie.


    The only solution is anarchy, unfortunately.

    You gotta remember that anarchists do not actually live in hopes of one day living in Utopia. The whole purpose of the anarchist, is to essentially be a neutralizing force, in order to restore balance to society.

    A little bit of chaos here and there is always good. Even if utopia is never achieved, with every single battle fought.. something is eventually gained. Freedoms are restored.

    You just have to break the bigger goal into smaller, more achievable goals.. and take the first step. Fight the government, bankrupt the corporations, feed the poor. Grow the weed, hack this server .. ... speak your mind. You know the drill.

    As I said, you may never win any elections or change the world in your lifetime. But it doesn't work that way - Utopia is a journey, not a destination.
  2. #2 Jane_Bellamont, Oct 27, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2017
    I'd go as far as to say that Anarchism isn't even a political system. Politics is all about convincing people.

    The anarchist isn't there to convince people.. the anarchist is there to bend the rules when it is deemed necessary. He or she does not ask for permission or approval.

    Anarchy is a way of life, really. It's about standing up for yourself, standing up to the schoolyard bully.

    Anarchy brings adventure and variety, in a life previously filled with monotony and predictability.
  3. You're missing the fact that the power elite holds the power, that includes law enforcement and the military. More likely the end results would end with the people living in a police state.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. #4 Praetorian, Oct 27, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2017
    And when the bully mops the floor with you and decides to rape the women in your family because no law or order is there to stop cool is Anarchy then?

    I get the strong feeling with a lot of Anarchists (not all), that they've never been in a fight in their life.
    People who've actually witnessed and felt violence are much less interested in a free-for-all anarchist state.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. hit the nail on the head sir.

    anarchy sounds nice and all in theory. in practice...yeah, not so much.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Your awesome Janey! :)

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