where's white???? aargh! oh well i'll guess ill vote for green... em red is green and green is something else.. em ouch!
i didn't see a problem w/ the last poll on colors(?!) but i'm still votin' blue. it's just a relaxing, soothing color in every shade. you can't sway me with purple! xo~
Pink it was love at first site Pink when you turn out the light Pink it's like red but not quite I voted for blue!
Sorry about that, late night. My brain hurts. All i've had to eat in three days is a mamba, a piece of beef jerky and LOTS of alcohol. Yesterday was hemp fest and my friends brought back a new 4 footer and a new gas mask, plus they already have a fatty glass bong a gravity bong and together we had an ass-load of fatty pipes, so we had a little mini-margarita party. We smoked a quarter and got all fuckered up. We had a gallon of tequilla a half-gallon of pineapple rum and a couple cases of beer. By the end of the night I had to hold the gas mask up to my friends face so all she had to do was inhale, we could barely move.
Blue is definitely my fav color.........except maybe for black. I'm kinda partial to the color black. But since black isn't listed.........my fav color is blue.
Black isn't a colour! Do you want me to start a "What's your favourite SHADE poll?" I didn't think so.