[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hAx5G0I9mU]YouTube - Rainbow Family Peaceably Schools Police, Dissolves Roadblock[/ame] just a great video. it's long as hell but amazing. it makes me have hope in the human race. makes me wish i knew these people.
What were they protesting? It's cool they ran off the police, but 80% of that video was worthless lol.
the rainbow family is a big underground network of hippies and people who believe nature is the most important thing in the world etc. etc. they hold gatherings every few months in which people all show up and live in peace for like a couple days and clean up after themselves. just stumbled upon a video and thought it was great. these people are really crazy, i would love to go to a gathering.
"they gotta fucking machine gun???!! hes gotta mother fuckin machine gun" "you mother fuckers, you mother fuckers, i remember you! hey i remember you!" "were gonna getch ya, were gonna get ya" i love the dude video taping, hes awesome.
i know he makes the video. i just left it on while i did some other shit and was just giggling to myself. he's just ripping on them. a bunch of old ass hippies just screaming obscenities at police and moving peaceably through.
That made me lol, i can't get over how much he pissed me off. WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE YOU WE LOVE. Liars. Nobody loves cops, it's cruel to instill even pigs with false hope like that.
true true. but like imagine how exhilarating that would be to be in that mob. i've never done anything like that. that would be nuts.
i really wanna make it to one of the next gatherings. i dont think ill make the "annual" one cause from what ive heard its gonna be farther east
a chaotic riot would be fun. i dunno how much damage i'd do. i dunno. i'm not really a violent type? i wanna go to the oregon state fair. lsd gives me really weird vibes when it comes to history and whenever i take it i feel so connected you know? like there is always a web of vines connected everyone who's ever had these feelings. and it would be nice to connect with a bunch of people with that much amazing energy you know? i dunno. that's why tripping in amsterdam was fun, it felt like i was connected so far back, like the buildings and roads had seen so much weird shit.
ya, i dont really dig chaotic things. harmony is where its at. i love being with a ton of ppl where everyone is vibing and spreading great energy. i just wanna go drum at the gatherings. cops start yellin, just have a big ass marchin drum circle and send them on their way with a beat
Write? No i just have an old gas mask that looks scary as hell. It's all flush with my face an devlish. Easily keep me from getting maced or something although idk if the filters still work. It's got BIG ass lenses so my peripheral vision is ok, all I'd need would be a rock and my ass kicking boots. Always wanted too fight back against the cops.
i meant write graffiti. i have one for the fumes. mine's probably not nearly as badass as yours. cops though. fuck em.
if anybody throws something back at the cops, some trigger happy sob is gonna open fire, and then more cops will follow. if all the cops had was bean-bag guns, tasers or tear gas then it wouldnt be horrible. but when theyre armed with assault rifles and shotguns, nah uh man. dont even throw a fuckin water balloon. start something very bad