The question every stoner has asked..

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by season, Jan 24, 2010.


    Yea, so i've put on a little weight from eating alot while smoking and i would rather not stop smoking. the thing is i like tell myself i wont eat before i blaze but then when im high i talk my self into it by saying, "oh its just alittle" blah blah blah and even if it is just a little a few chips turns into a bag or a trip to Wendy's turns into 15$ dollars spent (When you are at wendys and u spend more then like 5$ ..Something ain't right ahaha)

    So what do you guys do?
  2. Brush your teeth.
  3. ^ hahahahah, anyways ummmmm maybe try eathier foods?
  4. Just have fruit around or eat before. I don't even have this problem though cause i always want to buy fuckin bananas.
  5. i usually get really active when i get baked. i wanna go and do stuff, or get something done even if its work. usually eat when im bored, not when i have the munchies.
  6. I don't think every stoner has asked "how to get rid of the munchies" if I have the munchies, I eat. If you're hungry, you eat. Plain and simple lol

  7. Try eating a meal before u blaze, i used to do this and it worked for me.
  8. drinking plenty of water will fill your stomache up. This usually does the trick for me.
    But I don't really have to worry about gaining wait since my metabolism is extremley fast.
  9. work out so you don't become a fatass.
  10. #10 Anubis578, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018

  11. I get even worse munchies when im drunk and stoned.
  12. I thought it was going to be "wait... what?"
  13. #13 Fenton Mewley, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    Jack in the Box has a Jumbo Meal for 3.49: Jumbo jack, fries, drink, 2 tacos. Get like 2 of those and you're set bro.

    Lol, wtf am I saying? ^That's for not spending $15.

    Just try not to having ANY food around you when you smoke. Try to find something else to occupy your mind and not think about food.
  14. well,u could try gum,it might help, lr a big glass of OJ
  15. Put out healthy food to eat before you blaze. Or put on active music.Idk if you know wat I mean but for me it's pantera cowboys from hell
  16. Lemme tell ya, I wind up eating complete crap when I have the munchies. Like 2 peanut butter sammiches, shrimp fried rice with red beans, and a piece of chocolate cake. Oh my god, I'm hungry.

    Anyway... to get rid of the munchies... eat.
  17. Get Fruits and Veggies, they'll taste amazing, trust me.
  18. i love fresh fruits and vegies for munchies, healthier food always tastes great and dont feel greasy or super full from salty/fatty foods like fast food
  19. Exactly, when i eat fast/unhealthy food whether I'm high or not i feel like a piece of shit. Fresh fruit and veggies are just so amazing.
  20. my absolutely favorite is pita pit. sorta a fast food place, but its healthy/ier. sprouts, fresh greens, lean meat, etc. all rolled up in a nice pita. so damn tasty

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