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The prospect of drug testing is stressful

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by third planet, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. So, I'm starting to apply for summer accounting internships. Therefore, I'm worried about facing a possible drug test before being hired. I'm not sure how common it is for employers to test accounting interns, but I'm guessing it's pretty likely since this is a professional field. I smoke almost every day, but not too much - about a gram a week on average. How long do you think it would take me to get clean? I don't want to stop smoking until I actually get an interview, but I'm worried I won't have enough time to get clean if an employer wants me to take a piss test. It's time like these I wish I didn't live in the United States. Anyone else having the same problem? Any advice?
  2. I was stressed as fuck this summer too and was researching the shit out of it. I ended up actually getting a job that didn't require drug testing which made it all moot but here's what i found..

    -to get completely clean it's probably around a month or so, but varies depending on the person(an active, skinny person can get cleaner faster). Drinking a lot speeds the process
    -it's very possible to trick a lot of piss tests by just basically drinking a shitload of water beforehand then taking a vitamin so that it's yellow.
    -a lot of people get away with subbing their piss, worth a try if you really don't wanna quit, and if you do everything right there's no real way for them to know.

    i'm sure there's more just all that i can remember.. good luck man
  3. #3 chadddd, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    the technology is out can detox your body with pills, they are expensive as fuck though. at least to me. and the synthetic urine works.

    Or if youre skinny/average weight and smoke everyday....i would take a 3 weak break of working out a few times a week and running and sweating. making sure to drink enough, if not more than enough, water every day.

    then during the week before the urine test i would do this:

    (7-4 days): eat only a couple meals a day and still drink lots of water. do mostly no activity. however, work out a couple times. this will slow your metabolism and cause you to burn fat cells containing THC.
    4-2 days before continue eating normally and drink enough water, working out at least once..this will ensure all the fat burned THC is gone.
    2-0 days before the test continue eating normal and start drinking a lot of water/cranberry juice and then you should be fine...dont over drink though...
  4. Do you have cancer or something where you absolutely need to smoke everyday? If not then quite until you get a job. It's not hard or anything.

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