The Pigs and there heat guns

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by HOMELESSRAT, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. If you wer using a 400w HPS light and you wernt venting the heat outside instead just letting the empty into the room 12"/12" would the coppers beable to see it on there heat guns (FLUR) as there always flying about where i live.
  2. a 12inch by 12inch room is pretty damn small.:rolleyes: but a 12 by 12ft room shouldnt be too heated from only 1 400w, and if it did it would only be a spec on flur. They are out looking for big hot spots, from big operations.
  3. ok first off!!! haha. u are running a 400w HPS light in a 1x1 room? holy shit. and ventilation is also kinda necessary for keeping the environment "Realistic" for the plant. That means airflow. The plants need fresh air and a nice breeze to keep the heat from destroying them

  4. Yer sorry mate, i men't 12 feet by feet. Thanks for the reply
  5. I knew that man, I was just teasin ya. Your welcome.
  6. A 400 Watt light is only good for around 4'X4'.

    God luck.

  7. We may dislike the role cops play in busting MJ growers, and some cops definitely are assholes, but overall I'd like to encourage all of us to think more broadly of the police as people who protect our communities and way of life. No need to call them bad names, most of them are decent people.

  8. Thats beautiful mate, your right, its only a few handful that let them down.
  9. Nar, most a down right cunts, haven't you seen cops lol.
  10. My partner works for the police and i have quite a lot of friends who are cops. I figure if i can keep my operation a secret from them i am onto something good :)
  11. have friends who are c***s? I wouldn't think of my friends that way, or they wouldn't be my friends.
  12. Dude... I was joking or being sarcastic if you understand that word. Hence the "Laughing Out Loud" at the end of the sentence. And the "cops" reference was because most of the crims on that show are complete wankers and the cops are generally not too bad. Could just be the camera... But anyway my friends who are cops are actually really nice and i could barely see them hurting a fly. Could be different down under I dunno.

  13. No disrespect to you, but I beg to differ.

    The police are not held accountable to anything but writing seatbelt tickets. I depend on my alarm and myself to protect me and my family. It is our job to do it, who better?
  14. By saying that they protect us I was not suggesting that they do a perfect job of it, that we have no responsibility to it ourselves, or anything else. Cops arrested a burglar in my neighborhood recently, I'd call that protecting me (in addition to my alarm system, my deadbolts, etc).

    My larger point is that they are not deserving of derisive name-calling, and using such bad names did not enhance the OP's question nor lead to different or better answers.
  15. #15 BenderBob, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2010

    Now I'm just curious. isn't one just a shorter way of saying the other or did I miss something? :confused:

    I also have family that are Police officers and you have to have a certain amount of respect for what they do. I know damn well I don't want to do what they do. :eek:

    to the op
    I would vent it outside if it possible. they are not going to waste the time on the little bit of heat you are going to put out. ;)

    oh crap I just seen the thread title and that is a little uncalled for.
  16. i gotta throw in some props for the cops about 95% of the time. This is coming from someone who has been arrested countless times and served time when i was a little younger and wilder....even after all that i got no one to blame but myself, not the copS that arrested me. Grow up if they wernt around you would be living in a scary world

  17. haha, yeah, there would be a lot of people in my area driving without seatbelts because that is all they do in my area.

    I don't rely on police for protection, that is my job.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Pigs - Cypress Hill[/ame]

    The OP said it correctly, PIGS!
  18. You clearly didn't grow up around Detroit. The police are criminals with free license to steal, beat, harass, and kill.

    I have never once in my life, EVER needed a police officer to help me with ANY situation. And I have been in some very bad, dangerous situations. I relied on me and the steal in my pocket.


    Sorry dude, but I've personally been beaten by six officers, in a holding cell, with my hands cuffed behind my back. They beat me for mouthing off to them. I was never charged with any crime. A few months later, they beat a man to death under similar circumstances. This is the Toledo police department that did this.

    As someone who was deeply involved in the heroin and prescription drug trade in Detroit and Toledo for many years, I can tell you that I personally dealt with cops that allowed us to deal, and commit a host of other felonies as long as they got their taste. They were critical to our continued success as dope dealers (mostly prescription drugs... we even had doctors in on the game!)

    It is the same everywhere. Cops have power, and power is an intoxicating drug that leads to corruption. It is like that from street cops all the way up to the white house. They are thugs and liars with badges.

    And even the "good" cops hold up this disgusting "code of silence". Every one who keeps his mouth shut about police crime is just as guilty as their corrupt counterparts.

    And FUCK any pig that thinks he isn't culpable for the tremendous suffering brought on this and other countries in their War On Drugs.

    "But I was just doing my job... I don't make the laws." Sounds like they took a page out of the Nazi defense for murdering 11 million people.

    NWA had it right. Fuck the police.
  19. No I didn't. But I've lived there.

    Let's put aside the debate about whether cops are good or bad for just a second -- hate talk will get you banned here at GC, so that right there is a good reason to chill on the name-calling.
  20. The 400 watts is not gonna give off any kind of major heat signature and a normal room with a/c will keep that room cool

    A kitchen stove gives off a higher heat signature then the 400 watt light.

    Your normal roof insulation will also dissapate some of the heat

    A small portable 1500 watt electric space heater or blow drier gives off more of a heat signature :bongin:

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