the phantom shitter

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by collegetoker, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. hey guys i got a funny update to a story i posted a while back where i shitted on a roommates chair for being really annoyin/rude drunk

    well after that incident, a joke started going around the apartment about a 'phantom shitter' who was some guy with a mask and cape and would shit on peoples chair in the night

    so a couple days ago the same roommate came to me and started askin if i heard anything about who 'the phantom' could be.. i couldn't help but smile but i just played it off like i didn't know anythin

    the same nite he got really drunk and again was being obnoxious as hell.. so i thought maybe it was time for the phantom to strike again.. i carefully waited for a day and a half for the perfect moment and did what i had to do.... but, this time when i came back a couple hours later he was there waiting for me..

    at first he was like "the phantom got me again" and i could see the way he said it was like he suspected it was me, and i was just like 'dam that sucks, i wonder who it could be', then he comes up to me and he tells me the legit alibis of all my other roommates and anyone else who could have been in the apartment and he says 'i know your the phantom mother fucker.. you owe me two chairs' in a half serious way..

    i just bursted out laughing and admitted that it was me, but i wouldn't buy him a brand new chair.. in the end we agreed that i would order him a new 'seat' from the manufacturer and some tequila.. i think ti was still worth it tho but too bad the phantom legend couldn't live on longer
  2. dude thats fucked up, why would you shit...anywhere thats not a fuckin toilet.
  3. shut the fuck up its a funny story that still makes me laugh... see hahahahahahahhhhahahahahhhahhaahahahahahhahahahaahahhhahahahhahehehehhehehehehehehehhehehhahahaehhhahehehhaeheheheheaheheahahaehehhaaeaahehahhehehahhehheahhahagagackcckackocughcoughkakaahhahahahhahahhhahahhahehhehehehahahhahha:smoking::devious::smoking:

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