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The Perfect Density

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GrapeStreet, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Which do you prefer?

    Cured solid, dense and dry
    Fluffy with a hint of water
    Sticky, icky with average wetness
    Fresh off the damned plant, screw drying it...

    Something else?

    Gimme your best "Descriptions" of density, from anything you've smoked. How did you describe the density?
  2. you crez!? smoking straight from plant no drying?! Do people do this?

    on a more related note I enjoy a fluffy with a hint. Fills out a joint or blunt nicely while allowing maximum airflow for smooth hits.
  3. Depends on whether its sativa or indica, I then take into effect whether or not its indoor or outdoor, and base my final satisfaction of the bud after I determine the approximate setup the grower might have used

    I look for growers that love, and want people to enjoy quality products
  4. Dense buds all the way. I've never heard off anyone smoking bud strait of the plant. It would be extremely harsh I would think. And im not sure how good it would taste either. Suppose it would get you high though..
  5. apparently yes, and they pass it to other people tooIt provides a different high than the cure dried bud that's one thing i noticed.
  6. that probably because as it cures it decarb's it, which the theory is is (I edited in that second is lol) what leads to the gnarliest, most potent and smoothest tokes
  7. Dense buds if I'm smoking a bowl or bong. Fluffy with a hint if I'm smoking blunts.
  8. Dense buds, or sticky.

    EDIT: Both as a combo are great :smoke:
  9. Dense as fuck and sticky as hell. I like an 1/8 in one large dense nug.
  10. Solid dense dry. Cured of course.
  11. Dense and sticky so when I break it down it's a pleasant surprise how much it is! And then you gotta scrape it off ur fingers - that's what's good
  12. yes,and it burns like crap,ive had people try convincing me that you can smoke a blunt using weed straight off the plant without it going out.hasnt happened yet:rolleyes:
  13. I got a buddy that grows Northern lights and as soon as its off the plant he will some what dry it and smoke it.. MAkes me sad he dont get the real potential out of it. I always buy an ounce from him for 150 and cure it for a month or so.

    I prefer a sticky, less than average wetness but not to dry.

  14. Decarboxylation is, at room temperature in the dark, a slow process of conversion from THC to d9-THC.

    However, when smoking weed, decarboxylation occurs as you heat the weed. While you may not achieve the same rate of Decarboxylation through a quick heating process, most of the THC is converted to d9-THC when you smoke, regardless of the cure.

    The other part of curing is the consumption of excess nutrients (N,K,P, Etc.) that are still within the plant cells. As the plant slowly dies (opposed to a "dry to the bone quick cure") it consumes and moves around nutrients that were in the plant.

    This is what causes a smoother smoke. Decarboxylation is mostly for Hash/Edibles makers, those who do not burn their dope.


    Keep them coming! I need as many opinions as I can get. Be specific, use your own words.
  15. I thought it was THCV or THCA being broken down in to delta 9, and I thought thats why you cure it for a month or more. All I know is from what I read, and now I'm gettin conflicting info, thanks. I can't help but think that smoking undercured bud that wasn't decarb'ed all the way would lead to more cannabinoids being caught up in non psychoactive forms, but then again Idont know shit whatever
  16. density and "wetness or dryness" are 2 totally different things....

    but since you ask...i prefer my buds dry as rocks if im too be purchasing weed(water out my tap is cheap as fuck so thats where i like to get it from). and if its my own nugs i like em just a tad on the moist side(great in the vape this way).

    as far as actual density goes....i guess i have no preference really. dense ass nugs look sexy as hell but thats really about it. and fluffy ass nugs are easier to break-up/grind. damned if you do...damned if you dont
  17. #17 GrapeStreet, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    Decarboxylation | Cannabis Culture Magazine

    Very good point man. Density and Dryness are two very different aspects. The statements were more of a lead in, to try and inspire more detailed responses.

    What I'm looking for is the most common phrases used to describe weed, whether it's the density or the moisture content, or the combination of both, I want to hear how you describe it.
  18. dense and sticky
  19. well if any body asks.... in any situation....ill describe my weed as "ALL GONE"
  20. Personally, I can only enjoy the ethereal nugs if it's a sativa. The fluffy, whimsical nugglets that you get off of a good sativa are a just representation of the strain.

    But, I'll take a rock-solid, crunchy, crystally indica any day of the week. Big, bulging meteorite of trichs. Mmmm...:smoke:

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