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The Pail

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pails, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. In this thread I will teach you a smoking method that is very convenient and well known around my area. It's called a pail. It can be hit "dry" or "wet". You'll need a water bottle which is easy to get, a wrench socket which is also easy, and your herb and lighter. Take the cap and melt the center of it with the lighter so that the socket can be placed in the middle of the cap and sit there with little movement. Next burn a small hole in the bottom of the bottle about half a dime big. Now your ready to smoke, you can either hit it by placing your mouth on the hole and sucking the smoke in while lighting the socket, or hit it like a gravity bong with water which can brew a large amount of smoke. This can be used in almost every situation granted you keep a "pail cap" on you with the bottle cap with the socket in it and all you need to find is a water bottle and you can toke up.
  2. I know a lot of people who do the same thing, but they use them as a grav or a waterfall. Rarely do you see someone chiefing on a bottle like a spoon.
  3. Ah thats the Aussie way to do it, (well not only just not too many people i know have proper bongs).

    yeah thats what me and my mates do, also you can make a can bong, same general idea, just not the best and you don't have to burn it, but if you do, keep some Blu-Tac ready.

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