The opiate itch.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by korrupt024, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. First of all i want to say sorry if this thread is in the wrong section.

    Opiates tend to give me the craziest itches, and for all of you guys that have tried opiates im guessing you know what im talking about.

    Codeine gives me the worst itch of all the opiates i've tried, and im currently suffering from these itches!

    Now for my question, is there anyway to prevent these itches or to make them go away?
    I've heard taking benedryl before hand can help, but i havent tried this myself.

    Any helps appreciated :D
  2. promethazine
  3. Benadryl is good for any itch.

    Ill always take 2 benadryl when i take dxm just in cause.
  4. At the moment i cant get any promethazine but i do have some benadryl.

    Im going to take a benadryl and see if it helps any, if not ill try one more.
    Thanks for the replies :smoke:
  5. find a girl that loves you. she will scratch your itches relentlessly.
    it feels best on the head. **tingles** :eek:
  6. God damn I LOVE the opiate itch! Why would you want to get rid of it>!?!?
  7. for real.
    it feels sooo good to itch on opiates.
  8. it kills me sometimes, like when my nose will not stop itchin' and im out doing something, a red ass nose and really red/chinese eyes has people all suspicious.
  9. Yea.. it hits my nose harder then anything.

    It doesnt look good when your black with a purple nose...

  10. i lol'd. i bet it doesn't.
  11. loooooove the itch:D....itchin right now
  12. I LOVE THE ITCH it's great man
  13. the itch doesnt bother me too much. wat bothers me tho is standin in front of the toilet for 10 minutes tryin to piss but just cant do it!:mad:
  14. promethazine doesn't really help with itching that much, mainly nausea, but it does make any opiate a shitload stronger so definitely take it. Try hydroxyzine or benadryl for the itch. They also help potentiate opioids.
  15. haha

    "Your story makes my heart heavy, and my prostate weak."

  16. Oh man I was at the Devil vs. Flyers game last night. I took an OC before hand and when I got to the stadium I had to piss. Anyway I was standing at the urinal for like 5 mins before I could get the stream to flow and there was actually a line behind me when I turned around I was like :eek::eek:
  17. hahahahahaha i hear dat!
    itch doesn't really bother me.. in the nose is where it's the worst
  18. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE the itch but somedays just not in the mood to be all itchy while I nod off so i usually take some benadryl:hello:
  19. I didn't know i wasn't the only one who experienced this side effect, have to piss but just fucking can't, and when I do, a trickle
  20. Don't get me wrong, i love the opiate itches too just because it feels so good to scratch them haha

    But last night they were way too much to handle, they got to the point where it was all over my body and i scratched so much it started to burn when i scratched it. On top of that my skin was red all over from scratching it, i haven't experienced an opiate itch attack like that before.

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