The One Movie Every Stoner should see

Discussion in 'Movies' started by RoadWarrior, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. By far the one movie everyone should see is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Now the key to this movie is to first see it really really, really high. The higher the better. My first time i saw it i had ripped few tubes then watched it. Honest to god i thought i was tripping balls. This movie is so ridiculously crazy that you will be amazed from start to finish.

  2. Im sure thats a movie all stoners have seen, and most likely have in their collection of either dvds or pirated movies
  3. I don't know anybody who hasn't already seen it...
    classic movie, for sure.
  4. In all honesty, it's a really crappy movie.

    But it's really wild and fun to watch stoned, or even sober at least once.

    Now an example of a GOOD movie that everyone should watch stoned is Pulp Fiction.
  5. I want to punch you in the mouth for not using the search button
    do you really think that this thread was nessicary?
  6. Fear and Loathing is my favorite movie.

    Everyone should see it, regardless of weather they smoke pot or not. It's an excellent movie, as well as an excellent book.
  7. IMHO i thought i was stupid as fuck...even when i was stoned
  8. ok dude do you really care that much
  9. It's funny to see how Johnny Deep looks and acts like HST, though.

    Some speculate Dr. Gonzo, the real one, was shot and killed on a cruise by some crazies he did 'business' with.
  10. I was hoping you said a movie that everyone doesn't already know about, ha.

    Then I'd be open for suggestions :)

  11. agreed.

    and for a response:

    grandmas boy
  12. there is a prequel or something to this movie its called Where the Buffalo Roam. I have yet had the time to watch it yet but if its like the other one then i cant wait.
  13. Ehh, everyone has different opinions on everything, and I respect your's.

    I thought it was an excellent movie, although I liked the book more.
  14. yeah i figured everyone had seen it already but i thought it would end up people talking about other movies or things everyone needs to do high which brings to mind a good idea for a thread
  15. I have yet to se it :O
  16. old news =\
  17. When i watched fear and loathing for the 4th time or something i was smoking a hash joint, which fucked me up big time, and i was freaking out during the dinosaur scene. Then i puked all over the place. Might be because i was already drunk at that moment tho, can't really remember that part. :rolleyes:
  18. do you realise that there's a forum for movies?? :rolleyes:
  19. This thread sucks for several reasons.

  20. Well failing to list those reasons made it suck for me, so....

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