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***The Official*** Show Some Love For High-End Concentrates Thread (WITH PICS)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by CaliKushSmoker, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. who else out there is taking skillet and oil dome rips of all those danky earwax's, budders, bho, and iso extracts? show some love, posting pics is a plus :)
    Banana OG Wax
    Super OG Wax
    Banana Crack Wax(super uplifting)
  2. nice bro, im down with the oils but im way more down with the waxes :)
  3. any more love for wax's and budders????????

  4. They last to long to have many pics ! :rolleyes::p
  5. haha i feel ya bro
  6. how you smoke that wax and how you make it.
  7. [​IMG]


    OG kush wax.

  8. :hello: :hello: :hello: LETS GET HIGH :bongin:
  9. I must get some pics of the honeybudder I get, I've recently quit smoking it as I feel the hash skillet has destroyed my tolerance after a couple months of only hash rips.
  10. I hate how high end concentrates now means BHO and in general solvent extracts.

    A while ago, it used to mean super clean, stalkless dry sifts and presses, and the highest quality of full melty water extractions.

    I'm tired of solvent concentrates!

    So here's some real hash- full melt water extract:

  11. I agree, I usually only consider something that is going to test at least 70% to be "high end."

  12. well then you sir would never consider cold water high end which is what he's trying to say haha.

    And I think both are high end. I love cold water but it's super stoney. It tastes amazing though and smokes forever. Oil on the other hand is really nice too cause of it's strength but obviously doesn't taste nearly as good.

    And also you could have Co2 extracted oil, which really isn't a solvent so to speak

  13. It is, it just requires high pressure, which is something you can't get in your garage without blowing something up.

  14. Well that's why I buy it from a dispensary lol. And I mean yea it is but its no more dirty than water
  15. Well, here's some oil extracted with NO solvent whatsoever.

    Fractional distillation is the process used:


    Sold in CA dispensaries under the name "Gold". About 78% THC, ~85% total cannabinoids.
  16. Where can I get my hands on some of that :cool:

  17. Its actually less "fun" than BHO or solvent extracts, because its pure THC and no terpenes. The terpenes add all the rush to the onset, and the strong flavor.

    Its potent though, so for medicinal use its perfect. A small dab, worlds of pain relief.

    Other cool thing- its already fully decarboxylated, so you can just eat it. People mix it into butter and divide it up, because that vial (size of a cig filter) is about 20-30 doses :eek:
  18. i have a skillet hooked up to my lux mini 5 arm tree perc bong.........perfection
    i extract it using vector butane and purging it after on a hot plate

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