The official shepherds pie thread.

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by Captainbasch420, May 20, 2011.

  1. Shepherds pie.
    Potatoe turbate.
    Cottage pie.
    Whatever you know it as.
    Its freaking awesome.
    If you love some shepherds pie.
    Post and share how much you love it.
  2. Yes!
    We need to get some recipes up in here. It's time to get the casserole dishes out.
  3. how about some special shepherds pie?
  4. #4 Captainbasch420, May 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That could actually work, ive read about people making special cheese burgers.
    I guess youd just grind up the bud and mix it with the meat before you cook the meat, next time ive got bud ima try it. Lol

  5. yeah LoL:smoke:, mix it with the butter you use and cook it up...yummmm:D
  6. #6 Captainbasch420, May 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I dont use butter. Lol.
    Well i do put a little bit in the mashe potatoes cuztheyre homemade, but id have to use like a quarter of bud per spoonful for there to be enough for an effect.
  7. Got some leftover SP from the other day:smoke:
  8. Whenevr i have shep pie. Leftobers are out of the equasion(sp?)

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