The Official Piece Cleaning Guide

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Floydian, May 27, 2008.

  1. Has anyone tried using Windex or some other glass cleaner on their pipe?

    I've never tried it, I'm just wondering if it's a viable method of cleaning. Maybe warm water + Windex + Iso + Salt all in a bag will clean things like a pro?
  2. thumbs up to this thread!

  3. I use Cleancaf. It is a for Descaling and Cleaning Coffee machines. I always used it on my espresso machines that can get super nasty over time from all the minerals in the water. Cleancaf honestly puts iso alcohol to shame.

    I personally use Cleancaf but I bet any Coffee Descaler would work.
  4. think peroxide is okay?
    i've heard a load of urban myths about it being bad cause it doesnt clean off even after hot water and if you inhale it your owned.
  5. Thank you Floydian. My piece is now immaculate
  6. ok theres a bunch of good ways to clean your pipe, and all/most of the ones here will get your piece spotless and sparkling. they are all exceptable methods, but al ot of the time it just depends on what you have or maybe you just have a method you like.

    i always clean my pieces esp. my bong at my friends house and the 1st time i went to do it i found a big spray bottle of greased lightning and used it. Turned out it works hella excellently to very quickly remove all buildup and leave the glass shiny and sparkling. and since then we hid that bottle so noone else would use it and it still works great.

    ? tho
    is all that formula 420 stuff and other similar piece cleaners worth it???
  7. Alright, so I usually clean my tiny little sherlock bubbler with Iso/Salt mixture and shake it around in a ziplock bag until its pretty clean, but I've noticed that there are a few spots inside the chamber of the bubbler that still wont come clean.

    So, I bought some Grunge Off from my local headshop and let the Bubbler sit OVER NIGHT in a glass full of the stuff, and when I rinsed him off this morning, he was only a tad cleaner than he was when I left him in the Iso for a few hours. There are still about three or four brown char spots on the glass in the inside of the chamber.

    So, if anyone's wondering if Grunge Off is magical, it's really not. It doesn't clean my glass like a champ, and it's definitely not worth the price. Maybe I have some serious ass stains in my glass, I don't know, but the Grunge Off didn't do anything special.

    TLDR version; Grunge Off isn't that much better than Iso. Stick with Iso.
  8. I just used the eposom salt/iso alcohol method on a pipe that has not been cleaned in years and was blackened with resin. I never thought it would be possible to clean that pipe until I read this thread. Anyways I barely had enough alcohol to swirl in the bag and I probably did not have the best salt/alcohol ratio, but it is now SUPER CLEAN and clear again. I wish I had before and after pics, but o well. Thanks
  9. one word for pipe cleaning..... "Oops" All Purpose Remover & Cleaner 4.5oz. Find it at auto zone or your neareast auto parts store. After going about a month of not cleaning my pipe i ran this stuff through it and ot was clean as i first bought it inside and out, dont even need to wipe.
  10. rubbing alcohol and salt always does the trick. It only takes about 10 min. too.

    Good thing to do especially since rubbing alcohol is cheap
  11. i dont think that windex works that well... i've tried a lot of random cleaners because for a while i was too lazy to go and buy rubbing alcohol. For some reason ordinary houshold cleaners don't really cut into the resin well.
  12. i have found that nail polish remover (acetone) works alot better than alchohol however u need to rinse it thoroughly afterwards

  13. You should be fine to use Hydrogen Peroxide on pipes. It's kind of an untrusted chemical because it's used as an antiseptic but it damages living cells so sometimes it can be harmful if too much is put on a wound or if it's used on a really big wound. Anyway, if peroxide works for pipes then go ahead and use it, just set it on a window sill or somewhere in the sun for about an hour to make sure all the peroxide has evaporated, or heat it up with your lighter. Peroxide evaporates VERY easily and will even slowly evaporate at room temperature, which is why it is always sold in brown, opaque bottles.

    Thanks to Floydian for the guide, I'm off to clean my pipe so it's ready for tomorrow's pickup! :D

  14. After seeing this I tried windex, but I used alot and had to rinse like crazy.

    I like stickin to the 91% iso, morton salt (kosher if i want it chunky/coarse) and then follow it up with a cascade rinse or two. Gets everything lookin brand new again.

    Btw, this is probably a dumb question, but I see people talking about warm ISO, whats the best way to get it warmed up without having mass evaporation?:confused:
  15. tbh, I think step 1 should be to scrape as much resin as possible initially to smoke later...
  16. This thread is looong but great! I tried the iso and salt combo but I am going back to my old standby of Simple Green. You can get a gallon of it for under $10 and soak the whole bottom of your bong in it overnight which will completely disolve any amount of resin. It is completely non-toxic (you can drink it, although I don't think I would) and a quick rinse gets rid of any residual smell. I normally keep a disposable plastic container under the sink and throw any bowls or other small glass pieces for an overnight soak when needed. I have used it on acrylic pieces as well before I "upgraded" to glass. I have tried a bunch of the commercial products like grunge - and for the most part they work - but Simple Green and hot water is a lot safer in my mind. One last note.... to everyone who has said to scrape their glass; don't. No paper clips, no coat hangers, no knives, nothing metal should ever come near glass. I had a roommate who used to scrape all his stuff and smoke the resin and he used to break shit all the time.
  17. About how often did you clean your acrylic piece? I have my 2nd acrylic piece only because I used ISO to clean it and it eventually got alotta cracks :-/
  18. depends on how much i used it but generally once every month or two for a year or so. I don't think it made a difference but I removed the rubber piece on the top but left the downspout in because it was a bitch to put back in. I eventually gave the piece to a good friend when I moved out of town. If your piece has a lot of cracks why not get another one? I think I payed $20 for my 12" acrylic bong (years ago), it can't cost that much to get another.

  19. My first one was the one with the cracks..But I've been tryin to find something to use to clean it that won't cause it to crack.I have this one in a different color Acryl bong colored - Dutch -

    You think it'll be tough to take off the black piece at the top?
  20. I've been using this method with my glass pieces for quite a while but i was wondering if i could use the iso and salt cleaning method on my metal pieces? And how would i go about cleaning my woody piece?

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