The number 3168

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by markhener, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Hey blades was stoned and found this link was reading and was just wondering if anyone was like wow lots of numbers haha.

    The Great Design

    Its a big read I dont expect anyone to read it all.
  2. How high r u ?
  3. This guy is 4-digits high.
  4. ...... I enjoyed this thread
  5. [quote name='"qwerfwerdyy"']How high r u ?[/quote]

    To be Honest I kinda liked it hahaha I don't wanna seem like an ignorant fuck. It's well worth the read homie.
  6. Numerology can be very interesting, but man that guy needs to take some web design classes.
  7. [quote name='"PharCyDeD"']Numerology can be very interesting, but man that guy needs to take some web design classes.[/quote]

    Haha yeah e does total disaster. But just interesting read IMO.
  8. It's ironic how the site's name is the great design yet the actual designing of the site is horrid.

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