The News just makes me sad

Discussion in 'General' started by crazy barstool, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. I honestly hate watching the News on TV because it just puts my mood down.
    I decided to flick through the channels and it was on, so i thought why not see what's going on in the world.
    Top stories were, once again Jimmy Saville, which im getting sick of hearing
    A new rape charge, this time Michael Le Vell (Kevin Webster from Coronation Street)
    Blade runner being charged with murdering his girlfriend through a door
    A Meteor 'exploding' over Russia
    The horse meat being packaged as beef, once again, im sick of hearing about this.
    And worse of all, the fact that same sex marriage is still being discussed and isn't already made legal all over the world.
    Rant over, i don't feel like watching the news again

    TL;DR The news is the same boring crap and i'm complaining about it
  2. The mainstream news makes me think there is no hope left for humanity.
  3. Well I know your problem.... stop watching and reading the news. It only focuses on the bad things going on anyways to isolate and scare you.

    ^And don't think that, you only think that because you follow the mainstream news. There is much more good than bad I can 100% guarantee you that.
  4. A large asteroid is going to fly by earth in an hour or so, around 2 pm EST...NASA channel is going to have live feed of it...

  5. I've seen the videos of Russia, that's scary shit right there. Do they have a live feed online that you know of?
  6. I read the paper at work. I'm always amazed at some of the stuff that's printed... just read between the lines. One day a higher-up ex-state worker is denied work-release to an $80,000 job with the judge basically laughing at his request (he's on like his 3rd or 4th drunk-driving charge and beat his ex-wife). Few days later... the judge had a "change of heart," and he now can get work-release to continue his new job.

    Blatant corruption like this shows up every day. Even the drug charges are often pathetic. They set up young kids by getting them to buy drugs for an undercover informant, then book 'em. So, they nab the young kid who just made a stupid mistake and consider that a strong step in the "war against drugs," meanwhile the REAL manufacturer/distributor is completely unaffected. This is the kind of shit that is littered through the news, you just need to pay attention.
  7. I don't normally care for the news for that exact reason, I just wish it was that easy to stop hearing about it
  8. I don't follow the mainstream news, because of that exact reason.
  9. Grow your own vegetables and fruits and isolate yourself from humanity. Live in a farm too
  10. fuck the corporate media!

    Fuck you fox!
    Fuck you KTLA!
    Fuck you NBC!
    Fuck you CNN!
    Fuck you KCAL!

    And a MAJOR fuck you to ABC!
  11. Imagine if that asteroid hit the earth.. If it hit a city everything would be destroyed. Crazy shit..
  12. I threw my TV out the window bout a year ago, stopped reading newspapers too. Best thing i ever did.
  13. I just want to move to the woods and grow weed and have no contact with anybody for a few years.
  14. Don't watch the news on tv, it brainwashes you... :smoking:

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