the Newb Clinttorres

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by clint torres, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Hi,
    Clint Torres here. I am the newbest of newbs to growing. I will try not to annoy.

  2. Welcome to the forums. Please take the time to read the forum guidelines found in the Stickies of nearly every forum section.

    I hope that is an alias because you may not want to promote your grow with your real name. :smoke:

  3. Clint torres, we had a guy, a tweeker, who worked with us named clint. One day a server asked his last name I said, not missing a beat, "Torres". She walked away and then stopped and turned around and said, "His name is clint torres? Clint Torres? That's horrible!!"

    Clint Torres - clinttorres - clintoris - you see where we're going,
    anyway, Yes it is an alias.:ey:

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