The New Left more militant than the Bush Administration?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. I distinctly remember during the Bush era liberals constantly deriding his hawkish foreign policy. Now I turn on the television and all I here is liberals demanding the United States get involved in more wars, using American troops to help these Arab spring protesters demanding we get involved in Libya and now Syria. THE LASTTHING, I thought I'd see at the time would be these same liberals calling for more wars and more military spending. When I attempt to discuss this with Obama supporters they look at me as if I'm insane or racist or an insane racist. Its like we live in some Orwellian dystopia where people are batshit crazy and completely change their outlook on an issue just because their party now supports the same policies.

    So here is a message to all of you liberal sheeple go an read your diary during the bush administration or watch old news coverage and remember your righteous anger against Bush's shameless warmongering and then look at your precious messiah and wonder if he isn't George Bush, with impressive speaking skills and black skin.
  2. u minus well post this on a forums site for obama supporters...
  3. Sheeple are sheeple.

    Its always left right left right blah blah blah.
  4. #5 Ktmsmoker, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2011
    Most of the liberals I know, including myself, abhor the foreign policy of the United States as well as most Obama policies in general. Just because the TV version of liberals support the war doesn't mean actual liberals do. Obama isn't a liberal at all. In fact the Obama presidency is almost exactly like Carter's. There was a disastrous Republican administration preceding them, and people voted for them for a breath of fresh air. In both cases, they were the same administration with different names.
  5. Most liberals don't realize they voted for George Bush =)
  6. How about posting a link to "liberals demanding the United States get involved in more wars" so that "all of [you] liberal sheeple" can respond to an actual charge, not just a dense generalization.

  7. Of cpurse the New Left is more Radical. Take a look at what they cut their collective
    teeth on and how they infiltrated to system.

    And examine if you will who exactly some of O'Bummer's close personal friends
    and " advisors" are. Some of us are old enough to remember when Billy Ayers
    and Bernadette Dohrn co-opted the SDS and walked off with it to ultimately
    morph it into the Weathermen and the Weather Underground , and frankly they
    couldn't even blow things up without blowing themselves up.

    Now Dohrn and Ayers have the ear of the Oval Office.

    As goes Obama , you are indeed correct , we got the third term of BushLeague
    albeit with a different set of advisors and masters at the helm.

  8. I would agree save for one facet , Carter possessed a degree of ethics , Obama
    carries no such inhibition to getting his way.

  9. Just like in the UK, its all the same. Bloody good cartoon though.

  10. Oh please, the vast majority of Obama's advisor's and cabinet memebers are recycled from the Clinton/Bush/Reagan Administration and/or are Wall Street guys. I'm sure Obama's calling Bill Ayers every night in front of Tim Geithner and Bill Daley on how to redistribute wealth from the top downwards. You know, TARP just reeked of Marx. :rolleyes:
  11. Hmmm, the military action in Libya is a war now. Yeah, OK. :p :smoke:

  12. Most mainstream liberals are just stupid talking heads, eg. Chris Mathews.
  13. Since when is regime change not an act of war?

    Rebels could not have defeated Gaddafi without NATO resources. America provided a large share of said NATO resources and training of Libyan rebels. It costs the U.S. over 1 billion dollars and we ended up providing a power vacuum for Al-Qaeda to exploit.

    USA, USA, USA!!!!! :devious::devious:
  14. Most of these folks, I think, do not want to admit they voted for basically a third term of Bush - though Obama has done worse than Bush in several areas.
    These water-carriers are fully aware that they are now arguing in favor of the same ideas they argued against not even five years ago, yet their pride won't allow them to give up on Obama.
  15. lol Obama is the new-left?..hes a neo-liberal democrat
  16. Obviously when I say Left I don't mean a Socialist, Obama is anything but a socialist, well perhaps a national socialist... However he is the golden boy of the American Left.

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