the Net Neutrality thread

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jman42028, Nov 28, 2017.

  1. Free? Like magazines? Or tv? Wtf are you talking about dude? Its obvious to me now.... you just want free shit. You have no understanding of how it works, and no understanding of how its maintained and payed for. You are a fascist plain and simple. Ehat you're effectively saying is, let private business invest and lay all the ground work then let government come in take over and allocate. What you are advocating is literally the death of the internet as you know it. Jeff sessions scares you as attorney General? Imagine some bible thumper regulating your pornhub.

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  2. How does government controlling the internet work in china or iraq? And before you say america could never cut off the internet during crisis remember when they shut it down in sf during riots? All cell survice and internet was suspended for our protection of course... but hey free shit right.

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  3. Yes, the government is a bunch of thugs. A bunch of thugs doing the dirty work for their employers. The corporate elite.
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  4. G.W. (interesting initials)you realize that the government made them as big as they are now right? Have you ever heard of the kingsbury commitment?

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  5. My mobile (cell phone) is unlimited everything for €20 a month. That's with no phone and no contract.

    The problem in the US is your all spread out too much. It's near impossible to cover everywhere. There are remote parts here that have next to no internet/phone coverage. I live on the outskirts of a city so I'm good.
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  6. Yeah i get only phone internet and i pay 300 for 2 phones with unlimited. im lucky to get 2 mb per sec i probably average 500 kb range. So yeah if anyone should be screaming about net neutrality its me. But i understand that my only hope is a private business thats looking to profit and i cant wait to give them money. Ill gladly pay 300 a month for unlimited hard line.... you guys are spoiled, and you want it free lol.
    On a side note, i just went and met my daughter and her bf. I was giving her money to get a oil change and this huge bald eagle flew over, easy 6 ft wing span. Her boyfriend goes holy shit wonder what that things been eating? And without skipping a beat my daughter says Democrats lololol. Im so proud of that girl!
    Hope everyone is doing good and enjoying the day.

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  7. And this is why its imperative that we allow private business to seek profit to expand its coverage. Government cant and wont do this. Do you think if government spent the next 10 yrs only expanding in areas that dont have it at all and your speeds stayed stagnate that the majority of tax payers would be happy? Of course not. We expect it to improve, always looking for the better deal right? Cheaper? Faster?
    Well there is a huge profit to be made on us hill billy's in the woods but its going to take a lot of capital to get it going. I have no doubt as tech advances we in the woods will be easier to get the product to. So i need the government out of the picture if im going to see this in my lifetime.

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  8. No. But I can tell you this, the government got something for it. Most likely a certain senator or two, or gang of other government officials.

    Tell me about the kingsbury commitment.
  9. 300 US dollars? That's fucking straight up crazy. I'd rather talk and play with my imaginary friends.

    Well you're be waiting a long time for that "private" business to come along. The nineties are done and gone. The phone and cable companies own the infrastructure. They built it, they sell it. And not without the governments help. They paid off plenty of regulators to shut down the independent ISPs from accessing high speed internet on their networks.
  10. Not when im willing to pay 300 a month and you wamt it free.... see how this works now?

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  11. #91 Green Wizard, Nov 30, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    Haha! You got nothing to debate with dude. I never said I want it for free. I want it for a fair price and I want my data unmolested. This is the "free" market right? I can live without the internet if I'm forced to pay 300 dollars a month for it. I got my imaginary friends, remember? You're absolutely insane to want to pay that much for data. Fucking insane man. Not even worth a debate anymore.

    buh bye

    ...See how this works now? lol
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  12. Try not to look at it like the government even knows how to even get involved. Why? Who works for the government? Look at Trumps cabinet. Former Goldman Sacs, Exxon, Defense contractors execs. Look at the head of the FCC, former Verizon exec.

    Corporations run OUR government. This is not We The People...

    Get the money out of politics. Out of our government.
  13. Yes, I'd agree, get the money out of the politics, but that's about as likely to happen as the US closing down it's 900+ military bases spread out over 100+ countries.

    Additional government oversight/regulations on the internet only going to make things worse, not better.
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  14. No, you are wrong, and have me pegged totally wrong, obviously. I never said I wanted free shit, ever. Where did I say that? I never did. stop putting words in my mouth, or my keyboard in this case.
    What I am arguing is for some sort of control or regulation. As my comrade P pointed out, we are absolutely getting raped on everything, including access to internet and cell phone. The internet piece is because of the monopolies that have been allowed to be set up. Its fucking stupid. It makes no sense and only hurts the consumer.
    No, again, I never have asked for anything free, EVER. I have never advocated for anything free, EVER.
    Overall I believe in less government, less everything and more freedoms. However I believe this is one area where we do need some sort of government intervention to fix this issue. Which is exactly what I've said in the first post of this thread, as well as several others about this topic.
    So no, try a different way to shout someone down, as I am not asking for anything for free and NEVER have buddy.
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  15. yeah I mean, I didn't see anywhere where you advocated for anything for free either. Why were we accused of that? Not much to debate there no doubt about it man.

    The POINT of ALL of this was this:
    ISP's don't "control" the internet, they control our access. Our pipeline to it. The government has allowed them to have "regional" monopolies, so that way there is no issue at the national level. The result? Us getting fucked raw on pricing not to mention overall access and speeds.
    Again, not aasking for anything for free. Never have, never would. We need to do something though. The government did something right with cell phones a few years ago, like I outlined earlier, and I'm saying they need to do something similar to ISP's and cable companies. Its bad enough they allow comcast to buy NBC universal. Now they own the access to what, 35% or 40% of america's internet access, but also own a major network, one of the biggest hollywood studios, and oh yeah, MSNBC, news...yeah...see no conflict of interest potential with that at all. But since they are only a regional monopoly, the government doesn't bat an eye.

    Overall, there is ZERO reason why we should pay more than double, if not triple, than other developed nations, for half the speed and less than half the content.

    No one other than wizard and I see an issue with this? Really?
    When P said he pays basically nothing for fiber internet, cable and his cell phone...crickets.

    And P, part of the issue is the sheer size of america, of course. That hurts the process. But I don't live in the sticks. I'm not asking for fiber access to the mountain tops in montana. Nor cell access.
    The sheer size should have led to some good regional operators, and there were for quite a while at first. Then the big guys started buying them all up. So no, not a monopoly, because we have 3 'big" companies. However, to think they aren't working hand in hand to keep the prices high, you are all kidding yourselves. The only time the pricing changed massively was when the government stepped in. Thats all I'm advocating for is a solution similar to the regulation of the cell industry.
    I thought I explained that, but for some reason it keeps turning to me asking for free shit...which for the last time, is totally off base.
  16. What does free access to the internet mean to you?

    You'd you let the same government buffoons who established the cable-franchise monopoly system create more controls and regulations because they did such a good job with it the first time?

    Please do tell what magical government interventions will drive down price and increase innovations.
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  17. free or relatively easy access. RELATIVELY EASY ACCESS. Cheaper. LOWER PRICES. Thats the damn point dude.
    I wouldn't let the same buffoons do anything? Where did I say that? I used the cell industry as an example of changes that the government made that worked, at least a little bit. I listed several reasons why they worked, including lower prices and now more access to those airwaves through the numerous prepaid companies that have sprouted up since the changes they made.
    Its a complex system, and I don't pretend to know all the answers like you. I just know that something needs to be done, and if nothing else was trying to bring awareness to all about how far behind we are in those areas compared to other developed nations.
  18. and just in case it requires further explination. "relatively easy access" like we have in cell phones now. The regulations passed by the government and other agencies allowed easier access and cheaper access to prepaid companies. Boost mobile and the like aren't putting up their own towers are they? no. They are allowed easier access than they were, because of the price gouging happening with the big 3. Consumers had to have different, lesser expensive options. Just like we do with our internet and TV access.
  19. I give up with jman. He says free, but didn't say free (twice). He already has easy 24x7x365 access to the internet since he's not on dial-up service and I don't think he's walking to the library to post. He complains the government sold our airwaves out to the corporations, but praises them on their cell market interventions. He has no idea how additional government interventions will drive down ISP costs, but "something (magic) needs to be done" because we haven't seen enough technology growth compared to other (nameless) nations. As if there's a quota or standard for "broadband technology per dollar" spent per capita.
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  20. These guys are walking contradictions, and they cant even see it. They literally explain how governments created the problem then ask for more government controls? This is what we are dealing with people...... you guys are truely acting like children imo.
    Ok for you guys that want caps. How is this going to work? The companies that the government chooses is going to be subsidized correct? Or do you expect the private businesses to upkeep and maintain the system? Obviously it would be subsidized theres no two ways about it. So here we are promoting corporate welfare for the very companies you guys say already have regional monopolies granted by government. TO BIG TO FAIL. I hate to say this but this demonstrates why some people are employees and some people are employer's. A lot , most people dont understand how business is started and the expertise or even the personalities needed to risk your ass in starting up business. We are under the impression that the the companies exist because of employees thanks to the state obama literally said this.... but we live in a entitlement society filled with protectionist immature adult children. You guys are literally promoting real fascism, then some of you are calling others fascists because they are perceived to be racist or rich or you just disagree??? This is insane! My side the free market argument has been plainly laid out in this thread and the fascists side has no rebuttal execpt for government intervention. Net neutrality will largely neutralize the internet and creat the same atmosphere that kept our telecommunications stagnant for decades. Its the same modle that keeps fossel fuels and the companies that drill for them as first priority. What you guy's are literally saying is that they have regional monopolies granted by government , and that you want the government to give them national monopolies, all while complaining they have regional monopolies?? What the fuck!

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