The neighborhood dog ran off with my weed!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dallasboy678, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. My neighbors have this ugly ass Chihuahua, Corky, that just runs around the neighborhood and looks for food in people's garages. I just picked up some kush and was on my way to smoke it at the park when I realized half way there that I forgot my bong.

    So I go back to my house, and run inside to get my bong. I left my car door open because it would only take a second. It took me a while to find it, so about 5 minutes later I hear my German Shepherd barking. Oh shit, my kush! I run to the garage, bong in hand, and see this horrid-faced Chihuahua staring at me, with a baggie in his mouth. My kush. I slowly move towards this dog, and it darts off. I chase after it, waving my bong in the air and screaming like a caveman.

    So here I am, chasing a weed-carrying Chihuahua through a Dallas neghborhood. Finally I corner the dog in a shed and go for my baggie. I grabbed it, and then felt a sharp pain. This dog sank its teeth into my hand and wouldn't let go. I lifted up my hand, screaming, and the dog hangs on. "Corky, get off you piece of shit!" I yell. Remember, I am still in someones shed. I see someone come out of the house nearby and I shake violently till the dog finally let go. But Corky started barking in a shrill, blood-curdling yelp, so I grab him and run off.

    So now I am running through a creek carrying weed, a bong, and a Chihuahua. I get back to my house and put Corky down and he prances off, wagging his tail. I got to the park, pulled out my kush from the torn up baggie, and hit the bong.

  2. What a piece of shit dog. I hate those little bastards. You shoulda kicked it.
  3. I can definitely picture some stoner running around the neighborhood chasing a dog that just stole his pot :p

    That's almost made for movie classic, lol
  4. damn rat dogs lol
  5. You have a weird way of writing out stories.
  6. ....I lol'd. I fucking hate Chihuahua's. I agree with Lucifer Christ. Shoulda kicked the fucker like a football...or at least tossed it somewhere
  7. Fuckin hate those mut bastards
  8. Should have turned your sheperd on that little shit :smoke: jk

    When he bit you the least you could have done was lifted it up and slammed it on the floor, I mean the damn thing had your hand in a death grip...
  9. Yeah but I didn't want to hurt it, because its owner would have my ass kicked
  10. atleast u didnt accidently drop the bong either...that could have sucked bad
  11. That would've been one dead dog.
  12. Dude, you should've just punched it in the fucking head. It'll get knocked out from one hit.
  13. You might wanna tell your neighbor to keep her little rat dog on her property or on a leash.

    If their dog is running around in your garage, fucking with your stuff, that is unacceptable.

    Glad you got it back though, and also very glad your didnt hurt the dog, afterall, its a dog, it doesnt know better.

    cool story, thanks for sharing.
  14. Amen. I am a dog lover so I can't possibly hurt one, even though it was trying to go smoke my hard-earned weed.
  15. i would have left that dog forest and then go back home
  16. I hate those rat bastards. I would have taken him to another neighborhood and left his ass their.

  17. Dude. Never ever do that again. Not only will some punk-ass dogs be trying to come up on your shit, that is the #1 way to get your car stolen. Even if its only for a second, and even if that second turns into 5 minutes(even worse), someone could very easily take your car. Please tell me you didnt leave the keys in the ignition as well.

  18. yeah man, gotta watch out.....fuckin dogs'll steal your car too
  19. Bwahaha! That's a great story, I had a solid mental image.
  20. Haha man I hate dogs.

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