The Negative Effects Of Using Marijuana.

Discussion in 'General' started by Green Bull, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. -Less Marijuana.

    Anyone else think of any other negative effects?
  2. Sometimes i spend more money than i had planned on food >.>
  3. Felony record. Kicked out by landlord. Loss of rights in the USA.
  4. Thats only if your in a loser state

    like florida...

    or Arkansas
  5. Running out of Ketchup!!!
  6. forgetting where I put my weed..
  7. What is that story ?

  8. Yep.

    Arkansas. Come for the unmentionables. Stay because you sold your car to buy unmentionables.

  9. I for real didnt even see that you were from Arkansas.

    I was just thinking of lame ass states and then i remembered my 5th grade teacher quit because my class and moved to arkansas and anywhere that bitch is is the worst place in the world.

  10. No story, just the likely outcome.
  11. Tolerance.
  12. I can't shit unless I stop smoking weed.
  13. I guess you're not going to shit

  14. Unless he stops
  15. Why not keep smoke and shit. Just get some laxatives. Just don't shit your pants
  16. Yo fuck laxatives.

    Take aloe Vera pills. Laxatives without the cramps.
  17. I hope he doesn't stop, now I want to know if he will explode or if the e.r. doc will have to do some incredibly painful and humiliating procedure on him. **grabs popcorn**
  18. I don't care what anyone says about addiction, because it can become very mentally addictive when you have low willpower like me.

    Also quitting/t break/no weed = bad "withdrawals" dare I say (not really withdrawals) but I can never sleep and it ruins my appetite for weeks

    For example ive been on a break now for 6 days and in those 6 days I've ate 2 meals. It's really that bad, I'm getting way too skinny
  19. Stop fucking smoking then man.

    Not like you have to smoke to survive..

    You actually have to eat to survive

    I meant for good btw

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