The mystical spaceman trip

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by JmJ, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. I wrote this for class, kind of in a hurry since it was due today, so I didn't have time to revise or proof read. It's not much, but I hope you like it :) Cheers:smoking:

    Bob had woken up from a strange dream, forgetting most of it the moment he woke up. He could not put his mind on what had happened that night. The window was open and there was a cool breeze flowing around his room. The sun was shining in the room, but Bob was still curious as to how he ended up in his room after the long adventure he had that night. There was something written over the window, but his eyes were still adjusting as it came into focus.

    It was a warm day, the sun was setting and the sky was bright orange. Bob settled into his bed and dozed off into his mind. He was suddenly awoken by a vivid light coming through the shades. It got brighter and he thought to himself, “its morning already?” He felt tired as it seemed like he hadn't gotten any sleep. He looks to the right of his bed, and on his nightstand, the clock read 1:50 AM. Bob jumped up and ran to the window. “But it is still dark outside” Bob thought to himself. There was a beam of light coming from the sky, but he had already known what was going on.

    Next thing he knows, the visitors from outside had somehow appeared in his room. To his amazement, bob had been frightened at first, freaking out thinking this was all part of a bad trip. The creatures were six feet tall, and had the similar look to a human, but with a misshaped head and tentacles suppressing from their bodies. Bob thought to himself, “They must be spacemen.” Somehow they were communicating with him, through his mind.

    There was one of them now and it looked like the dominant one of their kind. Bob had thought to them, “How about taking me along for the ride?” He was amazed that it could understand him, but of course they are superior to human race and they seemed to know just as much, if not more. The creature had given handed him three pills and advised he pick one. They all looked alike but they were changing different colors as time passed. He decided to not ask questions and downed one. His mind was racing with colors and he suddenly felt like time had stopped and slipped into what felt like a tunnel of wind. The tunnel was bright but at the end there was darkness. He could not grasp anything so he just slipped into the darkness. Suddenly he appeared in what looked like another planet. There were these creatures that he had seen before. The place looked similar to earth but the colors of the plants, animals, and sky were a different color. The grass was blue like the ocean, and the water was green like that of fresh summer grass. The air he breathed was heavier and the smells were amazing. Bob thought to himself, “I don't ever want to leave this place.” Then suddenly, a force ripped him back and through outer space. The galaxies were beautiful and there were many planets, all different shapes and sizes.

    That was what he remembered from the trip he had with the visitors from outside. It was so incredibly amazing that Bob could not put question into. He just accepted what had happened and could not wait to get another visit. He hears a voice say to him before he leaves “So long, we'll see you again.” He drifted slowly down to earth as he felt the gravity slowly pushing him down.

    Bob woke up that next morning feeling wonderful. It was like a wave of happiness washed over him as he sat up in his bed. He had looked around the room and noticed that it was brighter than ever and more colorful than he had thought. The trip had opened up his mind to new possibilities he thought to himself for a moment. He looks onto his floor and sees what looked like green footprints and then they disappeared. “I may have just dreamed this” he said. “But that can't be” he said, “since I have never felt like this before as I awoke from a dream.” He looked above his window and saw some writing. It said “So long, we'll see you soon.” Amazed, Bob jumped out of his bed cheering for joy! “Wow, I just remembered that I had heard that before!” He decided to keep this to himself, in hope for another joy ride to this foreign land of mystical promises.

    The End

    To be continued..

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