The Mpemba effect

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Dougdomo, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Any of you guys hear about this one? I just found it out yesterday. The gist of it is that if you take two containers of water, one at room temperature and the other at 212f, the one that is almost at the boiling point will freeze considerably faster. My friend was telling me this when we were on our lunch break. He said he used to put hot water outside for his dog because he thought it would freeze slower, but it didn't. At first I was like, yea right, but then I started to think. If you boil water it would get a good amount of dissolved oxygen out which may speed up the process, I also thought that since the molecules were moving faster that maybe this had something to do with them cooling faster. Well, when I got home I did a quick search and it turns out that yes, indeed, hot water freezes faster then room temp water. This effect is called the Mpemba effect and was discovered in 1969 by a Tanzanian high school student of the same name. Strangely, there is no conferred consensus of what causes this effect, just a bunch of ideas. What are your guy's opinions on this one?
  2. Thats what I fill up my ice cube trays with; hot water. I had heard about it sometime in high school but I never believed it until I tried. Weird stuff.

  3. Very. It is highly childish, and very simple, you think I would have heard about it before. I was in complete denial until I did a 30min search into and tried it myself. Very odd stuff.
  4. I remember learning about that in elementary school. I find it so interesting that we are working on recreating the big bang and creating artificial life, but we aren't sure why hot water freezes faster than cold water.

  5. For real, this is what stunned me when I found out. I consider myself a relatively smart person, so finding out that boiling water freezes made me feel like I did when I found out Santa Clause was I had been lied to all my life LMFAO.

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