I'm pretty bored at the moment so I thought I might tell you the story of the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me, stay a while and listen if you want. It all starts in the tenth grade, last week of school for the year and I'm changing schools at the start of the next year. This girl I was holding a torch for weasled me into drama class and throughout the term we were studing and rehearsing Romeo & Juliet. She was playing Juliet and I was going to be romeo. So we spend I don't know how long preparing and getting ready for the play which would take place on a monday afternoon and school finishes in the thursday. On the big day I'm bacikstage pacing around in circles, I have an imense fear of public speaking and I'm thinking 'why the fuck did I do drama, why the fuck did I ask to be Romeo, but hey, there will be lots of lovey dovey scenes with this girl so that's cool I guess. Then the news came in. Our drama teacher - Mrs. Pratt, makes Phyllis Diller look like Jennifer Alba - come in, Bad news Romeo, she says Juliet won't make it. Oh well, I say, there's always tomorrow. The show must go on, Romeo, that was the first thing I taught you. I will be playing Juliet. So there I was, on stage, singing sonnets to this old bitch. The crowd laughed a bit but stopped after like the first 20 minutes or so. This play was all in Elizabethin language, nobody understood a thing about what was happening on stage, the entire crowd of about 800 people, students, teachers and quite a lot of parents where there staring blankly and dozing off. The girl I signed up to act with wasn't there. I was acting with some old lady. Nobody cares what is going on, they have to be there. Last week of school. Never going to see these people again.... Fuck it. We get to the point where Juliet says 'O think'st thou we shall ever meet again?', and I turn to the crowd with this big fucking stupid grin on my face, 'Yeah' I say, 'If you suck my dick!' . . . . . . Silence, not one word in the whole theatre. I look back to Mrs Pratt who is starring at me like I had smashed the Ten Commandments. I standed there for a good 15 seconds of silence before a murmering starts in the crowed. My grin gets smaller and smaller the more I realise that nobody found it funny. I walk off stage left with my head down, skipped the rest of school and never saw any of them again. fin
If it's any consolation to you, if someone yelled that during a serious play, I'd literally shit myself laughing and be forced to exit stage left with you.
Is this for real? I find it hard to believe not one person in the audience bursted out laughing...must have been an audience of prudes
ahahah thats fucking funny, props man. can't believe you didn't get a single laugh though. has the world gone mad?
bahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaj thats fucking hilarious man thanks for making me laugh so early in the morning
oh my god lmao you probably just said it at the wrong moment and while everyone was all zoned out....oh man thts fuckin funny! + rep how old are you now? did u ever talk to the girl again i woulda flipped out on tht bitch