The Modern Marxist

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. Would you want to start a thread to talk more about this? I have educated myself to some degree on it but clearly not as much as you so I would like to tap into your knowledge if I may.

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  2. those are great suggestions...even a little gold and silver is always a good idea. he'll physical paper cash is less than 2% of currency I beleive, couldn't hurt to keep some of that around.

    so using this currency seems to be the root problem with everything, no? it seems to be the enabler, the common link to all the woes across party lines.

    is using this type of kensian/socialist currency considered capitalist?
  3. I'm no expert but it is what it is. the fed is the final clearinghouse for all checks and all checks are non restrictivly endorsed by The People...want to bump an old fed thread instead?
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  4. the Fed is the root cause of the problem and continue to flush the value of the dollar (buying power) down the toilet... until it's taken out there is no cure imo... remember Jekyll Island secret meeting where elite bankers formed it... the so called "duck hunt"...
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  5. that was a good book!

    so the fed is not a capitalist institution...yeah?
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  6. It's purpose is to keep capitalism from failing sort of like the Plunge Prevention Team... they are all about big world banks at the expense of the common real people... you know, folks who pay interest on homes, credit cards, car loans, etc... the scum of the earth imo. fanning the flames of the CORPORATE STATE CRONY CAPITALISM (casino capitalism)...
  7. isn't capitalism a bit of a misnomer though? it's purpose is for limited liability for all.

    capitalism says gold and silver money and the government shall not emit bills of we go and contract outside of that system and use limited liability elastic paper debt notes and we're all like look at that capitalism fail?
  8. Not to say paper receipt cant be issued for storage of hard money in fortified warehouses? And not to confuse the fact that money has a price and its shown in market driven not politically driven interest rates? Do you like bit coin?

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  9. isn't that the crux of the problem with paper markets, that you must trust? if money is not property then can it convey property?

    perhaps this is why there seems to be a permanent Lien on a simple fee deed and nothing is owned in allodium.

    I bought some btc back when cypress was having a crisis and sold them late last year and made a couple grand. I wish I had bought more! I think they illustrate what a limited quantity currency can do.
  10. doesn't matter what you call it, call it BLINDED BY GREED CONSUMERISM or whatever... it works for 2%, is adequate for 28% and a total fail for 70% of the population... meh
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Nobody owns anything, it is all an illusion, in the end we even give up these physical bodies that we identify with as "i, me, mine"... lol

    it's all illusion, all a cosmic joke, a play on the stage of the collective mind... 100 yrs from now none of this matters... but i digress (reality check).
  12. well I'm american so I don't think it's right to call it "capitalism" at all. like when denmark came out and told Bernie they're not socialists, yeah?

    where are you from?
  13. born in middle america US of Amnesia the country that has learned absolutely nothing from world history, let alone their own... have lived in 4 states from middle to left coast... insanity everywhere everyone flying by the seat of their pants...
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  14. having said that there are some trolling goons here accusing me of being a Russian bot or whatever... their personal trolling attacks on me and my threads/posts have caused threads to be deleted or locked despite the fact that the mods and members warn to stay on topic, don't make it personal... but i digress... another thread was just deleted... there will be more for sure... can't fix stupid...
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. You are amongst friends here. If we refrain from posting memes they might stay away.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. I fully agree. I'll explain more of what I'm trying say in your thread about this later when I get time so we dont highjack this thread.

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  17. I have no issue with paper money or cards backed by gold. Hell of a lot easier to carry a wallet than a sack full of gold. I would insist though that i can take that paper to the nearest gold storage and get my damn gold on the spot whenever i demand it. Try that anywhere you wish now and get laughed out the bank.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. So first off:
    I am no socialist/marxist, can't have someone be more of an expert on what is truth than me.

    Having said that capitalism is problematic.
    For me I think the following example makes it clear:

    Industrialist in capitalist society owns factory pays workers a wage of 90, factory must produce value of above 90, say 110 else the industrialist goes bust.

    So the society now has products worth 110 but can absorb 90. While the industrialist has an outlet, exports, what happens if you blow the picture on a global scale...

    Do you see the problem?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. The state owns the means of production and pays employees a wage of 90. While the industry only produces 80. see a problem?

    Profit is an indication that both producers and consumers have improved their well-being.

    In short, by investing a given amount of money, producers have secured a greater amount of money. This, in turn, enables them to secure a greater amount of goods and services, which in turn promotes their lives and well-being while creating more goods. Likewise, consumers, by exchanging their money for goods that are on their highest-priority lists, have raised their living standards.

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