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The Microscope on Mids

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by frogy, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. #1 frogy, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    Ha, well a magnifying glass at least

    Great mids




    Smoking great out of the vape. Quite a few too many blunts to the face this week though :smoking:

    Picking up a Qbag of some great KB today too. Will try to macro that

    A nug of White Widow, was a great hookup for 125/half
  2. Pssshh....too many blunts?:rolleyes:

    i wanna see those pics today lol
  3. Fire mids. I would not call those mids at all. Just no name light fire lol. How much did you pay for those mids?
  4. lol thats wat i was thinkn, that shit looks pretty dank and u can never smoke to many blunts:smoking:
  5. some of the best mids ive ever seen. very nice man :smoking:
  6. X2, Keep on toking brotha! :smoking:
  7. yeah that middy does look pretty straight, that widow looks awesome tho, 125 a half is a great deal man, must be some canadian bud.
  8. Thanks for the replies everyone!

    The White widow was coming from a closet grower, an extra good deal on occasion

    Yeah those mids are best I've seen around... truly only cost me 60 for 12.5 grams
  9. mids is mids
  10. That's what I was thinking... Seeds is definitely mids, even if it smokes dank
  11. #11 frogy, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2010

    Dirty pipe

    Cleaned my kitty

    Only the first wash scrapings

    Second wash had about the same though. Hard to scrape with the utility razor (it doesn't bend)

    Some more pictures of a QWISO done with 2.5 grams of shake.. Ended up with over .2 g's total from the first/second wash. That black ball is rolled from the first wash which was very light tan.
  12. that's one of the coolest pipes i've ever seen. great deals on that bud - enjoy.
  13. This bud works great for hash :p


  14. Here's a blunt and a joint rolled with bho
    5 grams of these mids, 1st&only butane pass

    Good shake used in blunt\joint


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