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The Method

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Fiendone, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hey guys,
    I'm a long time lurker and first time contributer so here it goes:
    One of my friends taught me a new way of smoking and it's very efficient.
    It requires:
    - Bong (any kind)
    - Dank
    - Rolling Papers
    - tobacco (if your a smoker)
    - Scissors
    First you roll how ever many small, thin, and tight spliffs you want, each containing a bowl packing of bud. I typically roll two spiffs with about a .5 in both of them, then cut the spliffs in to 8 pieces. Load them in to the bong one at a time and smoke them. Usually i try to kill each piece in about one hit cause it reduces the amount of smoke. It conserves weed and you can keep track of how many you smoke. When your chillin with your friends you can see who can clear the most pieces in one hit. I'm very smacked right now off the method, so forgive any typos. Cheers.
  2. #2 Lil Sis, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    Welcome to the city. :wave:

    Never tried that method and to be honest probably won't either. But hey, to each his own!!!

    (it just looks like a lot of effort over just packing a bowl and livin' life....however I'm not restricted by amount like most)
  3. umm all your doing is getting more smoke from the paper which is bad.
  4. No tobacco in my bongs. Ever. Disgusting.

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