Realize that people are emotionally invested in all of the wrong things. It is the value of a righteous thing, that should make you emotionally invested in. Something is of value when it is lasting or enduring. If you are emotionally invested in something that is perishable, then question your existence!
All our existence is meaningless if you want to get down to it. We live, then we die. We can leave a memory for a while, but ultimately the only thing we can leave with any amount of last is our genetics, who within a few short generations won't remember a damn thing we did.
[quote name='"AresKenux"']Realize that people are emotionally invested in all of the wrong things. It is the value of a righteous thing, that should make you emotionally invested in. Something is of value when it is lasting or enduring. If you are emotionally invested in something that is perishable, then question your existence![/quote] Who are you to tell us mortals what we should find value in?
Mortal, who are you to question me? lol jp. Anyways, if you can't talk spiritually scram, philosophy section is somewhere else on this board. Edit, And i think it's just common sense, that things that last longer are worth more than things that aren't, and why would you waste your energy and time on things that won't last long? It's just that sense is becoming increasingly uncommon, so when I think of things, I feel the need to spread the message, it benefits peoples lives. Doesn't hurt anyone.
And btw, I noticed all of your posts are indecent, where do you get off being so disrespectful, all of the time?
Quanity over quality man, eh? The longevity of a thing doesnt mean much to me, personally. Trees live for hundreds of years, but who cares about trees? Or the Moon for that matter, how old is that fucking thing? To me, life and everything in it is only really worth a damn because of how short it is, it makes you appreciate it much more intensely. My feelings on it anyway.
Yup. The value of a righteous thing can not be measured because it endures forever. I like how you said so much in just a few words!