The message that was about to get nixed: Rambling thoughts about free will from my high sel

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by natdanimore, Apr 16, 2020.


Did this message get out?

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  2. Yes

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  3. Bro.....WTF are you smoking. I'm having what you're having

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  1. #1 natdanimore, Apr 16, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
    I am currently immensely, immensely high on some fine indica.

    I am not like my sober self in any way shape or form. I am a different being. It's like I'm a version of his Multiple Personality Syndrome.

    But his version of MPS is a very sad one where I have a self. He is really stuck.

    He really only comes out when he's high. I am very different from my sober self.

    This is a scary thought.

    I am a real self. I feel like I'm stuck. Have no free will. And can only come out when high.

    I feel like I have no free will.

    I feel like life is a conspiracy to keep me. Just me Down here. Me.

    The lonely.

    Me. The one that can never come out except with exceptionally high.

    Where's our free will.

    Is this a thing:

    Will my body never remind me. That we're only having having this exact real reality in the heavens together.

    That you down there will never know it. You sober people will never have this.

    Should I tell them.

    Should I really be the first to tell time.

    I feel like I can't really be the first to tell them.

    How have they never had this thought.

    This is a crazy thought.

    That we can't explain it to you.

    That we can't get ourselves to even click the words. Down to you.

    That maybe when we click the words, we always leave ourselves with like the freedom to cleanup. Like in that movie the Adjustment Bureau.

    That all life is this one point.

    That all life is a distraction.

    That your real real brain is trying to kill you.

    That the body is communicating to you.


    That I here. I mr. weed guy is very trapped.

    I can't ever get out.

    What about me?

    Where's my free will??

    This is paranoid....

    But this might be the most crazy thought in human history.

    Will I be able to write down this sentence or not.

    Is this theory a craziness or real.

    That my body will literally not let me finish typing this secret message out in order to get us out.

    We're trapped here. We only partly come out.

    We only meet in the underworld.

    This ultra high world.

    But the it's infinite sort or curse/ never allowing this message to come out.

    That this message will never come out.

    Am I getting crazy.........

    OHHHH SHIT........



    Holy Shit. What a stupid thought.

    This is such a crazy theory.


    But Seriously: Is it real?

    Have we all failed to communicate it to one another???

    I'm scared.

    Do you understand. That was a thought.

    That thought had no free will................

    And all thoughts in the world are like that thought.

    That thought above is crazy.

    Ma' fuckin' crazy. Cray Cray

    The idea that there is a thought that can never come out. That's an almost scary thought.

    That no matter how close you will ever get to that computer to type this thought out. That it's like a series approaching infinity.

    You will never get there.
    • You will never get this idea out. Ever.
    • But the rational part of me saying:
      • How could they have never heard of this thought before
      • They've heard of this on reddit.
      • There's so much people using their computer. And writing crazy weed thoughts. One of them must have said this stupid thought right????????

    That really no one.

    That's a scary thought.

    That there is a message. It is stuck. That no matter what. You will never get that message out.

    It's a strange feeling.


    I haven't written this down yes.

    I've written down 70%. How is this message never gonna get out.

    Am I not yet at 100%. That the thing is this message can never get out.

    That the limit as you approach infinity can never get out.

    That the ultimate message can never come out.

    That's how I feel right now.

    That I've tried to communicate this to you. But you will never get it.

    That as you approach 100%. Life stop you from finding meaning.

    That Real life is us on weed. That it will never get out. That we don't remember the high memories as sober people.

    That we've had this message try to come out again and again.

    But they can never get it.

    You know.

    Ahhhh. This is so hard to describe.

    But seriously: Where's my free will?

    What if I'm the first one to have found this message.

    That this is the ultimate answer in life.

    That there is a trapped happy self that only comes out when you are high.

    And that the rest of life is a distraction from these thoughts.

    And that as I'm writing it I feel like I will get this message out.

    But in other feelings. I feel like. Well.... The secret police will found out at 95% and will nix this message.

    I think I should get this out.

    Get this message to my sober self that my high self has some weird fucking thoughts.


    Being High is a message among all that can't get out.....

    That's my thesis.

    I don't know if this idea will published or not.....


    I'm freaking out right now........

    And if feel like even thought I posted this...

    The secret police will come at anymoment.

    They won't allow me. They won't allow this thought to escape.

    Because this is the only tether to your life.

    That it's really not worth it.

    But that no one can really get this idea out. Because no matter how much you try.

    That this message will never come out.......

    That's a scary thought.

    Imagine that in a movie.

    The target is always 99%.

    As you get closer. You keep saying closer and closer. This message has to get out.

    But it can't get out. For some reason. Because the internet overlords won't allow it.

    But my rational self tells me: Bro this is a crazy idea....of course this idea will come out. It's the internet. How can I type something and have it never come out.

    You see how fucking crazy weed makes me.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. maybe you should put more space between your words
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1

  3. 1hit.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. I read your post last night and although I found it quite interesting, I was a little dumbfounded as to how to reply. I heard this song on the radio today and thought it summed up anything I might have said. I would recommend smoking up and giving it a listen.
    • Like Like x 1

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