The Mechanic

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Dopethrone420, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I am literally high to my eyeballs right now and I'm going to go see this. Nothing cooler then gunfights and explosions while fucking wasted.
  2. Yeah I saw this movie when I was baked the story line doesn't feel like it makes much sense in the way that its just like "hey im gnna kill you now oh and now im gnna kill that guy now for some reason" but the gun fights are coo.
  3. It's a pretty awesome, typical Jason Stathum flick.
  4. Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) is a 'mechanical'- a strict code and eliminate clean and unique talent elite assassin targets. This is a perfect job, you need professional and total detachment, and the bishops are the best in the business. But when his mentor and best friend Harry (Donald Sutherland) is murdered, the bishop is anything but isolated. His next task is self-imposed - and he hoped that those responsible for the deaths. His task is complicated growth, Harry's son Steve (Foster) method has the same goals and determination to study Bishop of revenge trading him.
  5. What the others said...same old, same old Jason Statham stuff. Glad I didn't pay for it.
  6. Awesome movie with lots of dramma and action i watch this movie twice Jason Statham do a very good job in this movie....

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