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The Marijuana Conference to be held in NYC on October 25th & 26th

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by mmdinsurance, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. The Marijuana Conference

    Jack Pot
    October 7, 2010

    We received an email today from the event planners who are coordinating The Marijuana Conference being held in New York City. The line up of speakers are very well known in the industry.

    If you're in the New York metropolitan area, or plan on being there on October 25 & 26, this would be a great conference to attend!

    Here is a snippet from their website:

    This is the first event covering all of the business and investment issues related to the growing, distribution, and sale of marijuana. What are the investment opportunities arising out of continued legalization across the country? Is there an opening for institutional investment or will this remain a regional opportunity with limited potential in the foreseeable future? The Marijuana Conference will help you assess the investment opportunity, understand the risks/rewards, and evaluate ways to structure deals.

    Andrea Barthwell
    President and CEO, EMGlobal LLC
    Former Deputy Director for Demand Reduction,
    Executive Office of
    The President, Office of National Drug Control Policy

    Stephen DeAngelo
    Executive Director, Harborside Health Center

    Lester Grinspoon, MD
    Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

    Joel W. Hay, PhD
    Professor of Pharmaceutical Economics & Policy
    University of Southern California

    Senator Joshua Miller (D)
    Rhode Island State Senate

    Jeffrey A. Miron
    Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Economics, Harvard University
    David E. Smith MD
    Chair, Addiction Medicine, Newport Academy
    Founder, Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic
    Ex-Pres., Amer. Society of Addiction Medicine

    Hi JackJust wanted to touch base. The marijuana conference is going really well. There will now be two major cable television channels at the event filming for a documentary as well as a major cable news channel personality on one of the panels. In addition the largest chain of marijuana clinics in the country is a major sponsor of the event.

    The event could be a great way to get exposure to very influential people.

    If you plan on attending, exhibiting, or sponsoring you should sign up ASAP. Let me know if you are interested


    Mike Michalakis
    Director of Business Development
    DealFlow Media, Inc. Home Page The Marijuana Conference
  2. I might be in NYC around that time, and thats something i'd be interested in coming to, but i know theres a 600$ entrance fee so what kind of people will be attending the event?

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