the many lies of obama....?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by apathy951, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. 1.) Selma<wbr> Got Me Born - Lie, you were born in 1961 - Selma<wbr> had no effec<wbr>t on your birth<wbr>, as Selma<wbr> was in 1965.

    2.) Fathe<wbr>r Was A Goat Herde<wbr>r - Lie, he was a privi<wbr>leged<wbr>, well educa<wbr>ted youth<wbr>, who went on to work with the Kenya<wbr>n Gover<wbr>nment<wbr>.

    ) Fathe<wbr>r Was A Proud<wbr> Freed<wbr>om Fight<wbr>er - Lie, he was part of one of the most corru<wbr>pt and viole<wbr>nt gover<wbr>nment<wbr>s Kenya<wbr> has ever had

    4.) My Famil<wbr>y Has Stron<wbr>g Ties To Afric<wbr>an Freed<wbr>om - Lie, your cousi<wbr>n Raila<wbr> Oding<wbr>a has creat<wbr>ed mass viole<wbr>nce in attem<wbr>pting<wbr> to overt<wbr>urn a legit<wbr>imate<wbr> elect<wbr>ion in 2007,<wbr> in Kenya<wbr>. It is the first<wbr> wides<wbr>pread<wbr> viole<wbr>nce in many years<wbr>.

    5.) My Name is Afric<wbr>an Swahi<wbr>li - Lie, your name is Arabi<wbr>c and '<wbr>Barak<wbr>a' (<wbr>from which<wbr> Barac<wbr>k came)<wbr> means<wbr> '<wbr>bless<wbr>ed' in that langu<wbr>age. Husse<wbr>in is also Arabi<wbr>c and so is Obama<wbr>.

    6.) I Never<wbr> Pract<wbr>iced Islam<wbr> - Lie, you pract<wbr>iced it daily<wbr> at schoo<wbr>l, where<wbr> you were regis<wbr>tered<wbr> as a Musli<wbr>m and kept that faith<wbr> for 31 years<wbr>, until<wbr> your wife made you chang<wbr>e, so you could<wbr> run for offic<wbr>e.

    7.) My Schoo<wbr>l In Indon<wbr>esia Was Chris<wbr>tian - Lie, you were regis<wbr>tered<wbr> as Musli<wbr>m there<wbr> and got in troub<wbr>le in Koran<wbr>ic Studi<wbr>es for makin<wbr>g faces<wbr> (<wbr>check<wbr> your own book)<wbr>.

    8.) I Was Fluen<wbr>t In Indon<wbr>esian<wbr> - Lie, not one teach<wbr>er says you could<wbr> speak<wbr> the langu<wbr>age.

    9.) Becau<wbr>se I Lived<wbr> In Indon<wbr>esia,<wbr> I Have More Forei<wbr>gn Exper<wbr>ience<wbr> - Lie, you were there<wbr> from the ages of 6 to 10, and could<wbr>n't even speak<wbr> the langu<wbr>age. What did you learn<wbr>, how to study<wbr> the Koran<wbr> and watch<wbr> carto<wbr>ons.

    10.) I Blame<wbr> My Early<wbr> Drug Use On Ethni<wbr>c Confu<wbr>sion - Lie, you were quite<wbr> conte<wbr>nt in high schoo<wbr>l to be Barry<wbr> Obama<wbr>, no menti<wbr>on of Kenya<wbr> and no menti<wbr>on of strug<wbr>gle to ident<wbr>ify - your class<wbr>mates<wbr> said you were just fine.

    11.) An Ebony<wbr> Artic<wbr>le Moved<wbr> Me To Run For Offic<wbr>e - Lie, Ebony<wbr> has yet to find the artic<wbr>le you menti<wbr>on in your book.<wbr> It doesn<wbr>'t, and never<wbr> did, exist<wbr>.

    12.) A Life Magaz<wbr>ine Artic<wbr>le Chang<wbr>ed My Outlo<wbr>ok On Life - Lie, Life has yet to find the artic<wbr>le you menti<wbr>on in your book.<wbr> It doesn<wbr>'t, and never<wbr> did, exist<wbr>.

    13.) I Won'<wbr>t Run On A Natio<wbr>nal Ticke<wbr>t In '08 - Lie, here you are, despi<wbr>te sayin<wbr>g, live on TV, that you would<wbr> not have enoug<wbr>h exper<wbr>ience<wbr> by then,<wbr> and you are all about<wbr> havin<wbr>g exper<wbr>ience<wbr> first<wbr>.

    14.) Prese<wbr>nt Votes<wbr> Are Commo<wbr>n In Illin<wbr>ois - Lie, they are commo<wbr>n for YOU, but not many other<wbr>s have 130 PRESE<wbr>NT VOTES<wbr>.

    15.) Oops,<wbr> I Misvo<wbr>ted - Lie, only when caugh<wbr>t by churc<wbr>h group<wbr>s and democ<wbr>rats,<wbr> did you beg to chang<wbr>e your misvo<wbr>te.

    16.) I Was A Profe<wbr>ssor Of Law - Lie, you were a senio<wbr>r lectu<wbr>rer ON LEAVE<wbr>.

    17.) I Was A Const<wbr>ituti<wbr>onal Lawye<wbr>r - Lie, you were a senio<wbr>r lectu<wbr>rer ON LEAVE<wbr>.

    18.) Witho<wbr>ut Me, There<wbr> Would<wbr> Be No Ethic<wbr>s Bill - Lie, you didn'<wbr>t write<wbr> it,<wbr>intro<wbr>duce it, chang<wbr>e it, or creat<wbr>e it.

    19.) The Ethic<wbr>s Bill Was Hard To Pass - Lie, it took just 14 days from start<wbr> to finis<wbr>h.

    20.) I Wrote<wbr> A Tough<wbr> Nucle<wbr>ar Bill - Lie, your bill was rejec<wbr>ted by your own party<wbr> for its pande<wbr>ring and lack of all regul<wbr>ation<wbr> - mainl<wbr>y becau<wbr>se of your Nucle<wbr>ar Donor<wbr>, Exelo<wbr>n, from which<wbr> David<wbr> Axelr<wbr>od came.

    21.) I Have Relea<wbr>sed My State<wbr> Recor<wbr>ds - Lie, as of May, 1 2008,<wbr> state<wbr> bills<wbr> you spons<wbr>ored or voted<wbr> for have yet to be relea<wbr>sed, expos<wbr>ing all the speci<wbr>al inter<wbr>ests pork hidde<wbr>n withi<wbr>n.

    22.) I Took On The Asbes<wbr>tos Altge<wbr>ld Garde<wbr>ns Mess - Lie, you were part of a large<wbr> group<wbr> of peopl<wbr>e who remed<wbr>ied Altge<wbr>ld Garde<wbr>ns. You faile<wbr>d to menti<wbr>on anyon<wbr>e else but yours<wbr>elf, in your books<wbr>.

    23.) My Econo<wbr>mics Bill Will Help Ameri<wbr>ca - Lie, your 111 econo<wbr>mic polic<wbr>ies were just combi<wbr>ned into a propo<wbr>sal which<wbr> lost 99-<wbr>0, and even YOU voted<wbr> again<wbr>st your own bill.

    24.) I Have Been A Bold Leade<wbr>r In Illin<wbr>ois - Lie, even your own suppo<wbr>rters<wbr> claim<wbr> to have not seen BOLD actio<wbr>n on your part.

    25.) I Passe<wbr>d 26 Of My Own Bills<wbr> In One Year - Lie, they were not YOUR bills<wbr>, but rathe<wbr>r hande<wbr>d to you, after<wbr> their<wbr> creat<wbr>ion by a fello<wbr>w Senat<wbr>or, to assis<wbr>t you in a futur<wbr>e bid for highe<wbr>r offic<wbr>e.

    26.) No One Conta<wbr>cted Canad<wbr>a About<wbr> NAFTA<wbr> - Lie, the Candi<wbr>an Gover<wbr>nment<wbr> issue<wbr>d the names<wbr> and a memo of the conve<wbr>rsati<wbr>on your campa<wbr>ign had with them.

    27.) I Am Tough<wbr> On Terro<wbr>rism - Lie, you misse<wbr>d the Iran Resol<wbr>ution<wbr> vote on terro<wbr>rism and your good frien<wbr>d Ali Abuni<wbr>mah suppo<wbr>rts the destr<wbr>uctio<wbr>n of Israe<wbr>l.

    28.) I Am Not Actin<wbr>g As Presi<wbr>dent Yet - Lie, after<wbr> the NAFTA<wbr> Memo,<wbr> a dead terro<wbr>rist in the FARC,<wbr> in Colom<wbr>bia, was found<wbr> with a lette<wbr>r stati<wbr>ng how you and he were worki<wbr>ng toget<wbr>her on getti<wbr>ng FARC recog<wbr>nized<wbr> offic<wbr>ially<wbr>.

    29.) I Didn'<wbr>t Run Ads In Flori<wbr>da - Lie, you ran ads ONLY along<wbr> the flori<wbr>da borde<wbr>r as well as natio<wbr>nal ads in an attem<wbr>pt to reach<wbr> Flori<wbr>da voter<wbr>s 8-12 times<wbr> per day for two weeks<wbr> - and you still<wbr> lost.

    30.) I Won Michi<wbr>gan - Lie, no you didn'<wbr>t.

    31.) I won Nevad<wbr>a - Lie, no you did not.

    32.) I Want All Votes<wbr> To Count<wbr> - Lie, you said let the deleg<wbr>ates decid<wbr>e, and you have fough<wbr>t not to have anoth<wbr>er prima<wbr>ry in Michi<wbr>gan or Flori<wbr>da.

    33.) I Want Ameri<wbr>cans To Decid<wbr>e - Lie, you prefe<wbr>r caucu<wbr>ses that limit<wbr> the vote,<wbr> confu<wbr>se the voter<wbr>s, force<wbr> a publi<wbr>c vote,<wbr> and only opera<wbr>te durin<wbr>g small<wbr> windo<wbr>ws of time.

    34.) I passe<wbr>d 900 Bills<wbr> in the State<wbr> Senat<wbr>e - Lie, you passe<wbr>d 26, most of which<wbr> you didn'<wbr>t write<wbr> yours<wbr>elf.

    35.) My Campa<wbr>ign Was Extor<wbr>ted By A Frien<wbr>d - Lie, that frien<wbr>d is threa<wbr>tenin<wbr>g to sue if you do not stop sayin<wbr>g this.<wbr> Obama<wbr> has final<wbr>ly stopp<wbr>ed sayin<wbr>g this.

    36.) I Belie<wbr>ve In Fairn<wbr>ess, Not Tacti<wbr>cs - Lie, you used tacti<wbr>cs to elimi<wbr>nate Alice<wbr> Palme<wbr>r (a fello<wbr>w democ<wbr>rat that wante<wbr>d you to repla<wbr>ce her in the next term)<wbr> from runni<wbr>ng again<wbr>st you by chall<wbr>engin<wbr>g ALL of her signa<wbr>tures<wbr> and thus runni<wbr>ng unopp<wbr>osed.

    37.) I Don'<wbr>t Take PAC Money<wbr> - Lie, you take loads<wbr> of it. The Obama<wbr> PAC is the large<wbr>st PAC in the US Senat<wbr>e. I dare Obama<wbr> suppo<wbr>rters<wbr> to go look this up.

    38.) I don'<wbr>t Have Lobby<wbr>ists - Lie, you have over 47 lobby<wbr>ists,<wbr> and count<wbr>ing.

    39.) My Campa<wbr>ign Had Nothi<wbr>ng To Do With The 1984 Ad - Lie, your own campa<wbr>ign worke<wbr>r made the ad on his Apple<wbr> in one after<wbr>noon.

    40.) My Campa<wbr>ign Never<wbr> Took Over MySpa<wbr>ce - Lie, Tom, who start<wbr>ed MySpa<wbr>ce issue<wbr>d a warni<wbr>ng about<wbr> this to MySpa<wbr>ce clien<wbr>ts.

    41.) I Inspi<wbr>re Peopl<wbr>e With My Words<wbr> - Lie, you inspi<wbr>re peopl<wbr>e with other<wbr> peopl<wbr>e's words<wbr>.

    42.) I Have Passe<wbr>d Bills<wbr> In The U.S. Senat<wbr>e - Lie, you have passe<wbr>d A BILL in the U.S. Senat<wbr>e - for Afric<wbr>a, which<wbr> shows<wbr> YOUR prior<wbr>ities<wbr>.

    43.) I Have Alway<wbr>s Been Again<wbr>st Iraq - Lie, you weren<wbr>'t in offic<wbr>e to vote again<wbr>st it AND you have voted<wbr> to fund it every<wbr> singl<wbr>e time,<wbr> unlik<wbr>e Kucin<wbr>ich, who seems<wbr> to be out gutti<wbr>ng you. You also seem to be stepp<wbr>ing back from your depar<wbr>ture date in Iraq - AGAIN<wbr>.

    44.) I Have Alway<wbr>s Suppo<wbr>rted Unive<wbr>rsal Healt<wbr>h Care - Lie, your plan leave<wbr>s us all to pay for the 15,<wbr>000,<wbr>000 who don'<wbr>t have to buy it.

    45.) I Only Found<wbr> Out About<wbr> My Inves<wbr>tment<wbr> Confl<wbr>icts Via Mail - Lie, both compa<wbr>nies you site as havin<wbr>g sent you lette<wbr>rs about<wbr> this confl<wbr>ict have no recor<wbr>ds of any such lette<wbr>rs ever being<wbr> creat<wbr>ed or sent.

    46.) My Wife Didn'<wbr>t Mean What She Said About<wbr> Pride<wbr> In Count<wbr>ry - Lie, your wife'<wbr>s words<wbr> follo<wbr>w lock-<wbr>step in the vein of Wrigh<wbr>t and Farra<wbr>khan,<wbr> in relat<wbr>ion to their<wbr> conte<wbr>mpt and hatre<wbr>d of Ameri<wbr>ca.

    47.) Wal-<wbr>Mart Is A Compa<wbr>ny I Would<wbr>n't Suppo<wbr>rt - Lie, your wife has recei<wbr>ved nearl<wbr>y a quart<wbr>er of a milli<wbr>on dolla<wbr>rs throu<wbr>gh Treeh<wbr>ouse,<wbr> which<wbr> is conne<wbr>cted to Wal-<wbr>Mart.

    48.) Treeh<wbr>ouse Is A Small<wbr> Compa<wbr>ny - Lie, the CEO of Treeh<wbr>ouse last year,<wbr> made more than the CEO of Wal-<wbr>Mart,<wbr> accor<wbr>ding to publi<wbr>c recor<wbr>ds.

    49.) Unive<wbr>rsity<wbr> Of Chica<wbr>go Hospi<wbr>tal Pay Is Fair - Lie, your wife'<wbr>s pay raise<wbr> was nearl<wbr>y 150% her alrea<wbr>dy bloat<wbr>ed rate (<wbr>going<wbr> from $<wbr>120K to $<wbr>320K weeks<wbr> after<wbr> you got into the US Senat<wbr>e and tried<wbr> to get a $1 milli<wbr>on pork proje<wbr>ct for the very same hospi<wbr>tal) and the hospi<wbr>tal is a Non-<wbr>Profi<wbr>t Hospi<wbr>tal, which<wbr> made $<wbr>100,<wbr>000,<wbr>000 in the last 3 years<wbr>.
    They overc<wbr>harge<wbr> black<wbr>s VS white<wbr>s for servi<wbr>ces, and overc<wbr>harge<wbr> every<wbr>one in gener<wbr>al by 538%!

    50.) I Barel<wbr>y Know Rezko<wbr> - Only 5 Bille<wbr>d Hours<wbr> - Lie, you have known<wbr> him for 17 years<wbr>, and decid<wbr>ed to do a real estat<wbr>e deal with him durin<wbr>g a time when he was prove<wbr>n to be under<wbr> inves<wbr>tigat<wbr>ion. Despi<wbr>te this,<wbr> you divid<wbr>ed your prope<wbr>rty and had them take off $<wbr>300K befor<wbr>e the mortg<wbr>age probl<wbr>ems start<wbr>ed. Then Rezko<wbr>'s wife buys the lot besid<wbr>e it that you can'<wbr>t affor<wbr>d, savin<wbr>g you $<wbr>625,<wbr>000.

    51.) My Donat<wbr>ions Have Been Check<wbr>ed Thoro<wbr>ughly<wbr> - Lie, you only gave back Hsu (<wbr>$72K [<wbr>Yes, the same Hsu, Obama<wbr> suppo<wbr>rters<wbr> try to tie Clint<wbr>on to]) and Rezko<wbr> (<wbr>first<wbr> $<wbr>66K, then when caugh<wbr>t lying<wbr> $<wbr>86K, then when caugh<wbr>t lying<wbr> again<wbr> $<wbr>150K and now caugh<wbr>t lying<wbr> YET AGAIN<wbr>, it's $<wbr>250k)<wbr> their<wbr> money<wbr> when publi<wbr>cally<wbr> calle<wbr>d on their<wbr> invol<wbr>vemen<wbr>t in your campa<wbr>igns.

    52.) My Churc<wbr>h Is Like Any Other<wbr> Chris<wbr>tian Churc<wbr>h - Lie, your churc<wbr>h is so extre<wbr>me, the pasto<wbr>r who marri<wbr>ed you, Rev. Wrigh<wbr>t, just got done blami<wbr>ng the US for 9/11 and named<wbr> Louis<wbr> Farra<wbr>khan their<wbr> perso<wbr>n of the year.

    53.) I Disag<wbr>ree With My Churc<wbr>h All The Time - Lie, you only recen<wbr>tly repud<wbr>iated<wbr> Wrigh<wbr>t, who marri<wbr>ed you and your wife,<wbr> and you still<wbr> donat<wbr>e large<wbr> sums of money<wbr> to assis<wbr>t the churc<wbr>h in furth<wbr>ering<wbr> its messa<wbr>ge - hatre<wbr>d and reven<wbr>ge. You donat<wbr>ed in 2006 alone<wbr>, $<wbr>22,<wbr>500 to the churc<wbr>h that you so terri<wbr>bly disag<wbr>ree with.<wbr> That is nearl<wbr>y $500 PER WEEK - that sure is disag<wbr>reeme<wbr>nt, Senat<wbr>or Obama<wbr>.

    54.) I Have Clean<wbr> Conne<wbr>ction<wbr>s Despi<wbr>te Rezko<wbr> - Lie, you are not only conne<wbr>cted to Exelo<wbr>n and Rezko<wbr>, you are also conne<wbr>cted to Hilla<wbr>ry PAC suppo<wbr>rter Mr. Hsu, AND an Iraqi<wbr> Billi<wbr>onair<wbr>e of ill reput<wbr>e, Nadhm<wbr>i Auchi<wbr>, who rippe<wbr>d off peopl<wbr>e in the Food For Oil, Iraqi<wbr> deal.<wbr> Mr. Auchi<wbr> was also found<wbr> guilt<wbr> in anoth<wbr>er polit<wbr>ical corru<wbr>ption<wbr> scand<wbr>al (<wbr>large<wbr>st in Franc<wbr>e since<wbr> WWII)<wbr>. And this is one of Obama<wbr>s' good suppo<wbr>rters<wbr> that paid milli<wbr>ons into the Obama<wbr> campa<wbr>ign.

    55.) I never<wbr> heard<wbr> sermo<wbr>ns like Rev. Wrigh<wbr>t's, that have been in video<wbr>s on You Tube all day - Lie! 3 days later<wbr> durin<wbr>g your Mea Culpa<wbr> speec<wbr>h you said "Did I hear contr<wbr>overs<wbr>ial state<wbr>ments<wbr> while<wbr> I sat in that churc<wbr>h? Yes I did.
    " FLIP-<wbr>FLOPP<wbr>ER

    56.) The Passp<wbr>ort Invas<wbr>ion is a consp<wbr>iracy<wbr> to find dirt on me! - Lie. Your own Campa<wbr>ign Forei<wbr>gn Polic<wbr>y Advis<wbr>or is the CEO of the compa<wbr>ny that looke<wbr>d into your recor<wbr>ds.
    Could<wbr> it be that you had them look into yours<wbr> to hide the fact you looke<wbr>d into Clint<wbr>on's and McCai<wbr>n's more than a year befor<wbr>e!

    57.) Rev. Meeks<wbr> has nothi<wbr>ng to do with my campa<wbr>ignin<wbr>g - Lie. Rev. Meeks<wbr> appea<wbr>red in ads for your Senat<wbr>e Campa<wbr>ign, donat<wbr>ed to you, and helpe<wbr>d raise<wbr> money<wbr>, then AND NOW. He also seems<wbr> to despi<wbr>se Ameri<wbr>ca as much as Rev. Wrigh<wbr>t.

    58.) My wife didn'<wbr>t mean Ameri<wbr>ca is ignor<wbr>ant, she was just using<wbr> a phras<wbr>e - Lie. Again<wbr>, MicHE<wbr>LLe'<wbr>s comme<wbr>nts are perfe<wbr>ctly in sync with Wrigh<wbr>t's, Meeks<wbr>', and Farra<wbr>khan'<wbr>s, both in langu<wbr>age, anger<wbr>, and direc<wbr>tion.

    59.) I am very Anti-<wbr>Terro<wbr>r - Lie. One of your good pals is long time radic<wbr>al and terro<wbr>rist Willi<wbr>am Ayers<wbr>, with whom you have been seen in the last 12 month<wbr>s and who has helpe<wbr>d the now jaile<wbr>d Khali<wbr>di, Profe<wbr>ssor at Colum<wbr>bia who invit<wbr>ed Ahmad<wbr>ineja<wbr>d to the Unive<wbr>rsity<wbr>, to raise<wbr> money<wbr> for Pales<wbr>tinia<wbr>n terro<wbr>rism attac<wbr>ks again<wbr>st Israe<wbr>l. PS - Your churc<wbr>h publi<wbr>shed a pro Hamas<wbr> Manif<wbr>esto - guess<wbr> you weren<wbr>'t there<wbr> on THAT Sunda<wbr>y eithe<wbr>r? How lucky<wbr> for you.

    60.) I have the best plan to cure the Mortg<wbr>age Crisi<wbr>s - Lie. You and your campa<wbr>ign buddy<wbr> Penny<wbr> 'Sub Prime<wbr> Bank Colla<wbr>pse' Prizk<wbr>er have had your littl<wbr>e finge<wbr>rs full of subpr<wbr>ime cash - Obama<wbr> has taken<wbr> $<wbr>1,<wbr>180,<wbr>103 from the top issue<wbr>rs of subpr<wbr>ime loans<wbr>: Obama<wbr> recei<wbr>ved $<wbr>266,<wbr>907 from Lehma<wbr>n, $<wbr>5395 from GMAC,<wbr> $<wbr>150,<wbr>850 from Credi<wbr>t Suiss<wbr>e First<wbr> Bosto<wbr>n, $<wbr>11,<wbr>250 from Count<wbr>rywid<wbr>e, $<wbr>9052 from Washi<wbr>ngton<wbr> Mutua<wbr>l, $<wbr>161,<wbr>850 from Citig<wbr>roup,<wbr> $<wbr>4600 from CBASS<wbr>, $<wbr>170,<wbr>050 from Morga<wbr>n Stanl<wbr>ey, $<wbr>1150 from Cente<wbr>x, and last but certa<wbr>inly NOT LEAST<wbr> - Obama<wbr> recei<wbr>ved $<wbr>351,<wbr>900 from Goldm<wbr>an Sachs<wbr>.
    I am sure that cash all came from folks<wbr> who knew the subpr<wbr>ime loan they had was a dream<wbr>, eh?

    61.) I playe<wbr>d a great<wbr>er role in craft<wbr>ing liber<wbr>al stand<wbr>s on gun contr<wbr>ol, the death<wbr> penal<wbr>ty and abort<wbr>ion - Lie - It was found<wbr> that Obama<wbr> -- the day after<wbr> sitti<wbr>ng for the inter<wbr>view -- filed<wbr> an amend<wbr>ed versi<wbr>on of the quest<wbr>ionna<wbr>ire, which<wbr> appea<wbr>rs to conta<wbr>in Obama<wbr>'s own handw<wbr>ritte<wbr>n notes<wbr> added<wbr> to one answe<wbr>r. Read Obama<wbr> had great<wbr>er role on liber<wbr>al surve<wbr>y.
    html versi<wbr>on

    Dont be misle<wbr>d by hype
  2. #2 Mastodon, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2008
    so where did you copy-paste this from?

    and i didnt read every bullet but from what I can see, theres a lot of talk but no facts or links or stats....sensing a heavy bias

    what does everyone else think?
  3. cosmicserpent is going to have a field day with this thread, I'm gunning for a 100 posts in this thread by him.
  4. The answer to your question, no. They are the many lies of the racists and bigots who will stop at nothing (including deliberate lying and distortion of fact) to keep a progressive black man out of mainstream American federal politics. Change is coming, best you learn to deal with it.
  5. coooooooool.
  6. Most of those are either slight twistings of the truth, extreme exaggerations, or just plain lies. A few of them are somewhat true. I would post a complete list of lies McCain has told over the years, but I don't want to crash GC's server.
  7. Honestly I don't have the time or energy to even begin tackling that list. Maybe if I was locked in a room for a week with nothing else to do.

  8. [​IMG]
  9. theres a definate stench of prejudice coming off of the bullets, i wouldnt say on all of them but its definatly there, particularly the ones regarding Islam, and how any anti-Israeli sentiment is referred to as "supporting terrorism"
  10. ha thats awesome man.
  11. #11 Norma Stits, Aug 12, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
    care to elaborate on what he will change?
    and why the race thing?

    I think Bush is a liar too, but i'm not anti-white. If there was some sort of racist conspiracy against him, then hillary clinton would be the nominee and barak obama wouldn't be all over the news every second of every day.
  12. The only change is the color of his skin, other than that he's just another politician. There is no elaboration on Obama's change.

    Change for the future, a future filled with hope, hope for change, etc. Hes a hollow talker, no substance.
  13. Well said.

    I read Obama's book. The man can talk someone's ear off but he really has nothing to say.
  14. This may be off topic, but i know Obama. He was a regular at a place where I waited tables. He and his family were always in there and they are very nice people.
  15. i'm nice too, but not even remotely qualified to be the president of the united states.
  16. I don't think so either.... just sharing the experience.
  17. "ahem...stutter.....stammer.....uhh....but, but...change!"

    i love you.
  18. Are you suggesting Obama is not? :)
    The Constitution (which we all hold in such high esteem) requires a candidate for President be:
    Purposefully vague?

  19. just because you have the ability to drive does not automatically mean you should be on the road.

    but you knew exactly what he was talking about, and are just playing dumb as per usual.
  20. While that is for the DMV to decide, a vote is for each person to decide. :)

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