The Magic Scale

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Killa4ThaKush, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. aight so ive had this scale for a bout 6 months now. it is called the Diablo. thats its product name. so its like a big sqaure and the side pops out and theres the little screen with the tare button and mode button yadadaydadadayadada

    so anyways its a white scale is my perfect little baby but it doesnt have a damn light on it! like what the fuck you know how annoying it is too put you cell light on it like once every day ? and to make matters worse my friend has the same one in a different colour and it has a fucking light.

    so anyways ive managed to keep my scale alive and in okay condiditon (tray is cracked) and ive made it 6 months with no light. so yesterday was pretty high and had to do some weighing. i accidentlaly drop the scale on the ground and think FUCK !! !!! i pick it up turn in on and................. theres a fucking blue underlight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys dont understand how happy i am this is sooo convient

    anybody else got some scale stories
  2. One time my dad found my scale in my car. He asked me what it was for, and without missing a beat I said I used it for my AP Chemistry class to weigh out chemicals during labs. He gave it back to me and said, "make sure you get an A."
  3. lol thats funny one time my scale was in my room in this big cabinet thing and my mom comes in and right away opens it up im like wtf u doing? she says lookin for some old book she grabs the book and just looked over the scale didnt even notice lol haha i love my scale
  4. haha prob just something loose and that knocked it back into place. I love my scale though. It sounds similar to yours but is camouflage.
  5. My buddy has the same scale your describing im pretty sure, and his has a light on it.
  6. silv.jpg

    this is the scale but its in better condition then mine lol. my tray is cracked in a couple spots from some close calls its a very good scale though got for 40$ lasted 6 months and new features comin all da timeeeeeee
  7. i have the same scale but black i love it so much its so cool i love how it pops out i recently bought it cus my old scale dint go under grams lol how pointless
  8. One time my sister grabbed my scale and was like what is this? I was joking around and i was like, its a pda, and shes looking at it and she grabs the weighing plate and starts prying it up, looking at it asking what it is and i snatched it from her quick and was like damn, its a scale fuck how hard is it to tell jesus.

    I think her prying probably contributed to its death, but I gota new one now:smoking:
  9. Dude I had that same scale but it was silver, it was a very nice scale for $15 until my friend tossed it because he thought the accident up ahead was a sobriety check....
  10. mine uncalibrates when you drop it, that's a good thing because a gram would show up as 3 grams and id say its dense
  11. [​IMG]
  12. haha it was a bump gotta be 5 characters and didnt feel like writin the standard bump ye dig?

  13. Wait, so now you're a dealer? Because I remember a thread you made a week ago about you fighting your dealer because he sold you legal bud. Anyone else remember that thread?
  14. LOL caught red handed
  15. the real reason the light was not light was the batteries were not fully charge if you were to put new batteries in they would of lit the black light just dropping helped juice

  16. I have the same exact scale bro

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