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The lost crystal Caves of Afghan.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by WheelchairKUSH, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Here's a picture of some afghan. The bigger bud caught my eye :cool:

    If God was a female.. Her vagina would like similar to that bud in the picture :hello: :hello: :hello: :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. dam looks good.... just curious how much ?
  3. Got that Bin Laden weed.

    Hit that shit.

  4. How much what? Did I pay? Is in the jar?
  5. I think that is Gods vagina.

  6. lol :hello: YES! :smoke:
  7. time to go exploring :smoke:

  8. my bad I meant how much you paid.:eek:

  9. 50 an 8th :smoke:
  10. That looks so sticky, good pickup.
  11. Comparing a bud to gods vagina is going a little far.

  12. Dam thats expensive:eek:

  13. maybe out west. that is 60s here all day.

  14. Not for Iowa :cool:

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