Hey blades. Here is a story about a tomato thats in the yard. Ill post pics as it grows. But first its story. It started off as a seed in my.container garden that never grew. When I eventually cleaned out the pot it was in, the seed ended up on the side of the house. It had been forgotten. Several weeks later I see a good size baby tomato reaching up over the surrounding weeds. I proceeded to weed around it and then hurried the stem to get some roots. Then came the frost. We have a long growing season here in Vegas. Our first frost didn't come this year till half way into December. The first killed all of my tomato and Basil and did work on some of my other plants. But this little tomato somehow remained untouched. Perhaps it is in a warm pocket and stayed warm long enough for the sun to come up. Or maybe it's because its close to Tue ground. All I know is the frost raped all my other tomatos and left this one. I feel I should.help it along and see if it become huge having been planted so early. Ill probly put an open two.litre over it as a mini green.house till it warms.up to keep it.from.freezing.
Not to be this guy ^... but GC does have a "gardening" section. Just saying. I'm starting my garden early this year in my tents after the final harvest. My garden will be months ahead of the thaw this year, instead of planted in June.